Lying? Here on FFL? Turq, reading your list here and I had not yet even thought 
of calling someone out here who is being negative about TM and Fairfield a 
liar.   MJ does not seem to be a liar as he evidently just don't know better. 
Also, there is a big difference between just TB tru-believers an some like me 
and a few others here who know better by experience. The real TB'ers and real 
spiritual people who know better by experience seem to be in short supply 
speaking out here. 

 turquoiseb writes:


 That's what challenge means to me
Take heart, TBs

Now that criticism of the TM movement has hit the fan again, I figured it was 
time for a post to remind the True Believers how they should react to it. This 
information has been posted before, but some may have forgotten it, so ignore 
the repetition the same way you ignored Maharishi giving the same introductory 
talks for 40 years. 

Don't worry your little heads about the criticisms themselves. You know they 
aren't true, because you just "know" those kinda things. Instead, do what True 
Believers such as yourself have done for centuries, and D-E-F-L-E-C-T. 

Don't meet the criticism head=on, and try to dispute it. Instead, 
D-E-F-L-E-C-T, and do something to steer the conversation away from the current 
criticism and focus it elsewhere. There are many tried-and-true methods of 
doing this, but here are a few of the best, just in case you've forgotten them. 

* Shoot the messenger. Do anything you can to demonize the person or persons 
making the criticisms. Your goal here is to undermine their credibility and get 
other people on the forum to ignore what they're saying. 

* Call them liars. One of the best methods of sabotaging a critic's credibility 
is to pretend that he or she is a chronic liar. The lurking TBs you're trying 
to appeal to would rather believe that the critics *are* lying than believe the 
criticism anyway, so if you call them liars enough times, the TBs will stop 
listening to them. 

* Call them crazy. Speculate about the horrible things that happened to them in 
the past that made them this way. If you're of the Willytex persuasion, you can 
even make up crazy shit. All that's important is that a few fellow TBs see them 
as psychologically disturbed. 

* Nitpick them into arguing with you. Any nitpick will do, but the best is some 
kind of semantic nitpick about one or two words in something they posted that 
doesn't really have anything to do with the criticism you're trying to 
D-E-F-L-E-C-T. If you can get them -- or other posters -- all involved in a 
meaningless nitpick side argument that has nothing to do with the original 
criticism, they aren't involved in the criticism. You've won. 

* Trash their supporters. Anyone who says anything positive about the critics 
you're trying to silence is your enemy, and thus Fair Game. 

* Do all of these things while claiming that the criticism itself -- the thing 
that has your panties in a twist and halfway up your anal canal -- isn't what 
you're really responding to. 

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