Do you think I would have had the super deep experiences I did have, like 
seeing the white pearl, to name one? Now I know the blue pearl is standard 
fare, but my pearl was white, and I'm not joking.  That white pearl was 

 I can't see me having that experience with Benson's technique, but who knows.

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 3/24/2014 8:09 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 But I think we need to find a different way to transform that environment, I'm 
afraid.  >
 All these problems would probably not even exist if MMY had made TM free of 
Hindu elements of devotion in the first place. The efficacy of meditation was 
pretty much proved by Benson - you don't have to use a Sanskrit syllable or 
phrase and indulge in a religious ritual - in fact, almost any mnemonic device 
will work for the transcending - there's no special magic in using Hindu 
tantric mantras. If MMY had refrained from letting his fantasy run wild, and if 
he had made TM truly secular, he could have retired in 1965 before he met the 
Beatles and left the movement alone - without all the baggage of the TMSP and 
the other Maharishi pants. That's what I think.

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