She is certainly singing about her relationship with Christ. Alicia Keys may or 
may not mean it that way, but Sister could!
Then someone stands on a stage (I am talking about the guy almost crying- said 
person is from the music industry which is well know for promoting satanic 
symbolism.)and displays satanic gestures,  proclaiming his belief. just watch 
the body language of both....just saying and hinting
Also did you not realize that in Italian Catholic culture a "horn down" sign 
meant "down with the devil so to speak"?
Senza la tua voce
Senza il tuo respiro
Senza la tua luce
Senza la tua mano
Senza le tue braccia che mi accorgono
Che mi scaldano che mi amano.
Without your voice
 Without your breath
 Without your light
 Without your hand
 Without your arms I realize
 The heat that loves me.

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