"Game of Thrones" was not my "cuppa tea" so I didn't even watch it when I had HBO. I'm sure there will be a lot more complaining this year because in the US you often pay a $90 or more tax a month to watch HBO. That is in the form of your monthly cable or satellite bill. If the past "Thrones" fans have complained as to why they can't just buy the episodes the day after they air like they do other series. Well, the "Premium" channels won't do that. They're stuck in an antiquated 20th century business model and I bet some board members as well as stockholders complain about leaving the money on the table they could be getting from making those episodes available for sale on places like iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and VUDU.

The series I would really like to see that HBO has trapped is Mike Judge's series about Silicon Valley:

I like what he had to say about his experience of working at a Silicon Valley company (which of course gave rise to the movie "Office Space"):

"It really felt like a cult. The people I met were like Stepford Wives," Judge says. "They were true believers in something, and I don't know what it was."

I saw "Office Space" with a couple of former co-workers and their wives. We had a great laugh at how he managed to skewer the nonsense we experienced. I experienced it from the level of being a manager and actually trying to keep things sane and productive which meant that I kicked people out of the office if they were spending too much time there. The first day on the job my boss said the owner didn't like people to work too long of hours so I had the right to hone in those hours.

As a kid my mother would make me stop working long on projects explaining that I would reach a point of no return so take a break. Indeed not only did some of the people at work want to live at the office as if it were a monastery but they were incensed at the idea they were working too long. In fact some burned out and after I left apparently the new manager wasn't so good at curbing hours and some had nervous breakdowns.

On 04/03/2014 03:35 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
For those of you who have watched the show and are looking forward to the next season of Game Of Thrones as much as I am, these are utterly hilarious. And in ways that totally nail the publications and reporters being parodied.

Spoiler warning passed along if you haven't watched the show so far and plan to and don't want to spoil anything. I don't think there are any spoilers for the upcoming season, or if there are, I didn't notice them.

If The Media Reported The Events Of "Game Of Thrones" <http://www.buzzfeed.com/tomphillips/if-the-media-reported-the-events-of-game-of-thrones>

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