On 04/06/2014 09:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/6/2014 11:06 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Yes, billionairism is a disease. The cure is known as progressive
> taxation.
So, you're thinking people should be unequal - some should pay more
taxation on their earnings than others - the more money you earn, the
more taxes to the federal government you have to pay. This doesn't sound
to me like an issue that would decide the next U.S. presidency. Go figure.

What have the rich done for you that you champion them so much? Have they showed wealth all over you? Last time I looked you were considering moving to a shack in the Texas desert. Doesn't seem the rich are helping you much. And haven't you been complaining that the rent is too high? Go figure.

For the 1000th time progressive taxes are useful to discourage wealth hoarding and not to make the government richer. Maybe someday that will sink into your thick skull.

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