Good points

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :
 Share, I do like Barry, but I think he has gone ecstatic with this new theory 
he's put forth.  I think he thinks he's found the Rosetta Stone or something.

Steve, I suspect you might want to rethink this. Yesterday I posted a *theory*, 
presenting it very much *as* a theory. I only replied to my original post a few 
times about the theory itself -- once to Michael, twice to Share, once to 
Salyavin, and once (humorously) to Bhairitu. I made a couple of posts under the 
topic correcting Judy on inaccuracies (a polite word for "lies") she was trying 
to spread about the history of the TM-Sidhi courses, but not arguing the 
Placebo Effect thang per se. At no point did I attempt to "sell" the theory, to 
you or anyone else. 

In contrast, *most* of the other 58 posts (so far) in the thread were from 
people dumping on Barry. One might suspect that something about it "pushed 
their buttons." Another bunch of the same people -- Judy, Richard, Ann, Nablus 
-- also produced dozens of posts under another thread dumping on Barry. 
Presumably they got *their* buttons kinda pushed, too.

As for the theory itself, I can think of two more pieces of "supporting 
evidence" for it. Do you remember how the "flying" (actually, hopping) took 
place in "waves?" Nothing would happen and nothing would happen, and then one 
person would start to bounce, and almost immediately a whole bunch of other 
people would start bouncing around as well. Might I suggest that suggestion 
might have had something to do with this?

The other thing is the barking and growling and shouting and moaning. I don't 
know if you were around back then, but it was pretty much a feature of early 
TM-Sidhi practice. People would start barking like dogs and shouting and 
flailing their arms about and moaning and all sorts of other stuff. Again, it 
tended to happen in "waves" -- one person starting it and then others picking 
up on the suggestion and doing it, too. That certainly speaks to the 
possibility of suggestion. However, something *else* speaks even more strongly 
of suggestion. At some point Maharishi heard about all of this ruckus, which 
made the domes sound like an out-of-control evangelical tent meeting, and he 
declared that it was inappropriate. Almost overnight, it stopped. The *same* 
people who had been claiming that all this noise emanating from them was "not 
in their control" suddenly found that it was. Go figure. The way I figure it, 
it's all explained handily by Placebo Effect -- suggestion, then effect.

But again, all of this is just theory on my part, and furthermore a theory I am 
*not* trying to sell you. If you somehow feel threatened by me presenting it -- 
as Judy, Richard, Ann, and Nablus obviously do -- I would look inside for the 
cause of that rather than to me.

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