And like so much of what the Movement promotes, it actually undermines the 
basic premise of TM being excellent for you, if you just have a little bit of 
common sense about you. If you look with a clear mind at what the TMO claims 
for all its adjunct programs, you can only come to the conclusion that if you 
DON"T have all this stuff, then you are doomed to a crummy life, even if you do 
TM. TM originally was supposed to free you from all kinds of bad karma, 
stresses whatever. But if you don't have that yagya, that jyotish chart, that 
jyotish gem, that oil rubdown, that next rounding course, those pundits praying 
to Agni for you, that perfect vastu home then you are falling apart - which 
means, if you need this stuff, TM is ineffective after all.
On Fri, 4/11/14, salyavin808 <> wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientifically Validated
 Date: Friday, April 11, 2014, 8:44 PM
       Vastu is just common sense from an
 iron age farmers perspective. Kitchen in the coolest place,
 ability to tell the solstices from looking out the front
 door etc. Maybe there's a bit of folk wisdom in waking
 up facing the sun being better for you.
 Where it all goes wrong is when the
 TMO introduce woo woo concepts like perfect health and
 invincibility and start telling people that meditating in a
 vastu home is like doing it in a group of a thousand. It
 isn't, but you might be able to kid yourself if you are
 a believer. 
 Most people I know who rushed to get
 into vastu actually thought it would solve all their
 problems and be the final missing link in enlightenment. It
 isn't, it's just a house. I know loads of people
 that live in them and I have stayed with them many times and
 will do again. But they got their hopelessly unrealistic
 ideas from somewhere. If you've ever been on a vastu
 course you'll know the answer to that
 I'd like one simply so I can see
 the sun rise on midsummer morning directly opposite the
 front door. But I'm a bit pagan.
 BTW the "rubbish" came from
 my disbelief that anyone here would think, after all these
 years, that people in the TMO won't grasp at any straw
 available to prop up their belief system. It's an
 article of faith in the TMO that your brain works better
 when facing east. I had a Dr of physics explain to me that
 it's because that's the direction the Earth turns.
 Go figure.....
 ---In, <authfriend@...>
 wrote :
 Rubbish yourself. It's not at
 all obvious they were trying to make woo-woo of it.
 "Vindication," quite possibly, but that's not
 at all the same thing. And it might well be relevant to
 whatever Vastu says about sunlight in the home. From what
 I've read, many Vastu principles have nothing to do with
 "woo-woo," they're just about making one's
 living environment as healthy as possible.
 I sleep in
 my living room because its windows face east, and I've
 always felt more energized when I wake up to morning
 sunlight. Nothing to do with TM (or depression, bi- or
 monopolar, for that matter).
 No, never
 saw the stuff about the brain working "better"
 when it's facing east.
 I think
 your "bipolar sleep resetting" idea is something
 of a stretch. Sure would be interesting to see the whole
 study, see what the authors made of their results, whether
 they suggested a possible mechanism for the
 it wouldn't be the first time they'd picked
 something irrelevant or vaguely samey sounding and held it
 up as vindication. And it was in a classroom studying vastu,
 so it's pretty obvious what sort of hay they are trying
 to make.
  Remember all the BS the TMO co-opted about the
 brain working "better" when it's facing east?
 It made a lot of TM brochures and broadcasts and there was a
 link to the Journal of Neurophysiology which, when followed,
 led you to a bunch of papers about how rats find their way
 about in the dark. There wasn't even any preference
 among the rat brains for any particular direction. My guess
 is they think people don't follow
 What did you
 think of my ideas about bipolar dawn sleep resetting? Rather
 good for a breakfast post I thought....
 ---In, <authfriend@...>
 wrote :
 Salyavin, we don't know what
 kind of hay the TMO was trying to make with this study (the
 MUMOSA guy doesn't bother to tell us). For all we know,
 it was simply that Vastu principles are in accord with
 current scientific thinking, nothing woo-woo about
 Just thinking out loud because I can't afford
 to read every science paper I'd like to either, but if
 it is something like this then what right have the TMO got
 to claim woo woo? And it doesn't even make sense if they
 do because you'd have to have an east facing bedroom
 (and not all of them are) and it would matter if the front
 door faced south even as we're talking about

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