Re: "Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as if 
boards with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as light beams 
that formed triangles at the bottom. "

 Richard, you are soooooo JELLOS!  I know, deep down, you just wish you had 
seen this.  Did you ever take hallucinogenics?  If you did, and they were any 
good, you should be able to relate....

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 4/19/2014 12:46 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 I'm all for getting scientific about things like this but they are extremely 
rare and so not easy to test. >
 According to Barry, the Rama levitation event happened hundreds of times and 
thousands of people witnessed it, so it wasn't that rare. It wouldn't be very 
difficult to test - Randi could set up a lab test, but Rama is dead now and he 
didn't teach Barry the secret. Maybe Rama reincarnated as Barry - they both 
like dogs and stage shows. But, since Barry was already born by the time Rama 
offed himself, maybe instead of reincarnating as Barry, Rama just took over the 
Barry body and mind - sort of like in the movie Transcendence. That would 
explain some things, like why Barry likes movies so much and electronic music, 
just like Rama. Go figure.
 "Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as if boards 
with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as light beams that 
formed triangles at the bottom. "

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