What did you do with the MS in Psychology?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Richard, I worked at MIU for 3 years and received one whole school year for 
free, tuition, room, board, the whole kit and caboodle, MA in SCI!

And then they gave me a scholarship to earn the MS in Psychology!

 On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:35 PM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
   On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > It is pretty great they offered the courses for free. Glad you 
 > availed yourself of the opportunity.
 Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
 a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.
 > I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
 > what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
 > wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
 > stuff anyway.
 There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
 menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
 poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
 community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
 free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
 education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.
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