salyavin, in this day and age, however could a person join a utopian cult 
without realizing it?! Sounds to me like someone who didn't do their due 

And if it's really as bad as the blogger claims, wouldn't he have noticed the 
trailer park etc. when he first arrived. Plenty of time to get money back or 
not enroll at all. I doubt that the blog is telling his part in all this.

The students at MUM now are very different than the students who were at MIU in 
1975. Back then many were TM teachers and or had already been meditating for a 
few years. Californians! Nowadays they're into David Lynch or sustainable 
living or organic food or some combo or these (-:

As for me, I'm no longer on the inside and haven't been for almost 12 years, 7 
of which I didn't even go to the Dome. Plus I have constant contact with my non 
meditating family so I'm aware of how it all looks to non meditators. 

On Sunday, April 20, 2014 3:37 PM, salyavin808 <> wrote:

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Well salyavin, in all my years here, we've only had one earthquake and it's 
epicenter was over in Illinois across the Mighty Mississip, a river which 
supposedly has a fault line running down it.

I'll have to ask some vastu dwellers about the homeowners insurance.

PS btw, speaking of good questions, I think mine is a good question too: if 
this blogger is so unhappy with MUM, why does he continue being a student 

As I said, he probably has his money invested in it, be hard to change to 
another one without losing any downpayments or even just getting on another 
course at this stage without starting again.

Maybe he's got a lot of anger at finding out that he joined a utopianist cult 
without realising it? I've never been to FF or MUM but I know how the movement 
works and let's face it, the TMO is more than a bit weird. You may not think so 
as you are on the inside but the TM worldview is unusual and takes some getting 
used to for anyone. If you steadfastly refuse to adopt it then you will be 
unhappy. Is it possible to just go to MUM and not notice what everyone else 

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