...practiced at being good at being a good human being in skill sets taking 
care of animals in nature. 
 That has mostly come to and end. Inside of 50 years this is a huge change in 
the relationship of humans with large nature. Now great leadership is only 
incubated and left to come out of what? Internet and social media forums, 
social -science and business schools, and some on-the-job or interning 
experience. May the Unified Field Transcendent help us.
 I hope always that city people will support small farming and people who raise 
livestock on their own independent of the corporations. The opening of America 
to small farms and the opportunity for ownership was always what made America 
what it was. In the last few years with this aggregation taking place in large 
corporate agriculture and land-holding consolidation that has ended. May the 
Unified Field Transcendent God save the country,
 -Buck in the Dome


 Authfriend writes:
 Those sure are some gorgeous Jerseys they've got. They make the huge hulking 
Holsteins that supply supermarket milk look like ungainly monsters. (Not the 
Holsteins' fault; they were bred that way to give as much milk as possible. But 
it isn't anywhere as good as milk from Jerseys.)




 A beautiful key to creating Heaven on Earth for all mankind, the proper 
treatment of the cows 


 Jai Jai Jai Jai Jai Maharishi-ji!

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