Rick Archer is really a great example of the complexion of TM in the Fairfield 
meditating community and the TM movement at large. Rick's old friend John 
Hagelin should do something to facilitate and invite Rick back in to meditation 
with the group again. The field effect of the collective spiritual practice is 
fabulous in the group meditation. That field effect spiritual practice could be 
enlarged with the presence of experienced meditators like Rick. Rick could even 
be a good as a poster boy to bring back. Sort of like the prodigal child who 
went out and came home story. -Buck in the Dome 
 "..policies that reduce super-radiance by banning people from the domes for 
"competing" with the movement or visiting other spiritual guru types when they 
are not wavering their adherence to core values concerning the TM and TM Sidhis 
 Rick Archer is a good example. An old and practicing meditator like Rick is so 
entrained in the transcendent and the culture of the transcendent he ought to 
be invited back to meditate along with the big group in some way. An old 
meditator like Rick could easily just be asked to join with the group and 
meditate.  I would recommend Rick for the group meditation.  I'd be glad to 
have someone join back in like Rick to sit with in meditation.  He would be a 
spiritually powerful and healing element towards our field effect generation of 
peace in the Domes.   
 There is a whole community of folks like Rick here and a small greying 
community of people who go to the Domes according to the guidelines. LE, Your 
answer to the communal problem is continued dwindle in the strict preservation 
of the existing exclusivity.  We got a problem with that position.  It is 
called survival as a group. -Buck in the Dome   
 The Fairfield Meditating Community:

 “We are a group of people who have come together and created a community for a 
transcendentally important common purpose, which of course is to practice the 
Transcendental Meditation program and the TM-Sidhi program together as a group, 
for the sake of bringing coherence to national and world consciousness based on 
balancing labor and leisure to meditate while working together for the benefit 
of the community. Our Super-Radiance meditating community includes families of 
all the TM-Meditators and TM-Sidhas in the Fairfield, Vedic City and Jefferson 
County area.” 



 LE writes:
 Effortless transcending isn't a teaching. Effortless transcending can't be 
taught. It is what hopefully results from maintaining the "purity of the 
teaching" -that the student will absorb the strategy for setting up conditions 
for effortless transcending to occur by the time he or she finishes the 4-day 
TM course. 

 ... And different people have different ideas about what is what.


 Rick, for example, in his interview with John Hagelin, told John that he has 
meditated without fail for many decades. 

 On the other hand, Rick has said in Fairfield Life that he no longer uses TM 
mantras when he meditates.


 Is this an important distinction? Does it make a difference for practice in 
the Domes?

 Would John have agreed with Rick's statement had he known that Rick no longer 
uses TM mantras?



 Everyone interprets things differently.



 Of course practically, it would be good if folks should not confuse changing 
policy guidelines being the equal with a changing in the purity of the 
teaching. Policy guidelines facilitate a teaching but are not the purity of the 
teaching themselves. Effortless transcending is the purity. Dealing with some 
of the TM-Taliban-like TM traditionalists on policy is the sort of matter not 
unlike dealing with a Joe Stalin. Lists get made. Good people can end up in 
meditator 'Siberia'. The Prime Minister is clearly the most powerful person 
inside all of this. Anybody have the courage to talk with him about, “the 
Problem”?   Anybody get through to Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam?
 A change like this would have to come from a MahaRaja. 

 Srijau@... posts:

 . ..rethink the policies that reduce super-radiance by banning people from the 
domes for "competing" with the movement or visiting other spiritual guru types 
when they are not wavering their adherence to core values concerning the TM and 
TM Sidhis purity 

 Om; this memo, did it come from anybody who could actually affect change in 
the policy or is this more just “talking” around “the problem”?  Just wondering 
who this came from,
 -Buck in the Dome
 srijau@... posts:


 "Now that the introduction of Maharishi brahminism is getting a thoughtful 
"reboot" to make the participants more appreciative of Maharishi's knowledge, 
we have a great opportunity to rethink policies that reduce super-radiance by 
banning people from the domes for "competing" with the movement or visiting 
other spiritual guru types when they are not wavering their adherence to core 
values concerning the TM and TM Sidhis purity."

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