Actually I wonder if more thinking is just an indication of more transcending 
in activity...

On Monday, May 12, 2014 10:20 AM, "lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Even someone like me with genuine, diagnosed-by-a-doctor OCD, can transcend 
just fine. Obsessing about TM is Just Another Obsession and doesn't interfere 
with the practice any more than any other obsession -it's all just thinking, 
afterall, and if you can obsess, er, think, you can meditate.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

thanks, Lawson, for all your great info about the TM research, etc. I agree 
with your ideas about obsession and worry. I also think it's a funny but 
wonderful paradox that as more transcendence is established in awareness, one 
thinks about all this so called spiritual stuff way less! Unless to do so is 
fun. As it is in the Funny Farm Lounge (-:

On Monday, May 12, 2014 2:54 AM, "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period.

Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

You're assuming that transcending means "letting go of" a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

Transcending refers to "letting go" of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that "there is no God", then
they cannot let go of their individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.

Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we "hold onto specific thoughts" 
during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to attempt 
to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control what 
happens next.

Correct.  I agree with this.

Given the correct circumstances, aka "starting TM," the mind will automatically 
start to settle down.

I agree.

That is all "transcending" means. 

Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point where 
there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and alpha-1 
EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in activity 
in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with belief, but 
only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, by 

I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

And the thalamus doesn't "think" or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important "data switching center" and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do
much data-processing in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and 
not-belief are influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing 
the practice to go on its own.

I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you
are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up extraneous connections in 
parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who learned TM without having 
first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the activity that "effortlessly 
thinking the mantra" brings to bear in a localized way simply because there's 
so little prior intellectual connections established to bring more distant 
centers of the brain into play when meditation activity happens.

I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't address 
this point.

"Innocence of practice" may well have a genuine physical significance.

On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter "God" during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about "God"
in the first place.

I agree.

I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.


FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


What is wrong with the statement that I made?  Please, explain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

I think you're in the wrong meditation discussion forum or that you need to go 
get checked.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?

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