Rick, do you know why Eileen was in jail?

On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 9:57 AM, "'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com 
[FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Woman arrested but not gagged
By Eileen Dannemann | May 22, 2014
To the editor:
Spending eight hours in a cold cell in Jefferson County jail replete with gray 
and white stripes allowed me to realize that the “good ol’ boys network” is 
alive and well in Fairfield. So, let me tell you what I found out:
The Heartland project will ship 20 million bushels of GMO corn to Texas and 
Mexico​ despite Mexico being the corn capital of the Americas and disregarding 
the fact that Mexico has banned the planting of GMO maize. This is how the USA 
subverts the economies of developing countries.
Locally, it will take 25,000 semi-trailers to deliver the grain to Heartland. 
25,000 semi-trailers equal 50,000-semi trailers-round trip. Drivers will be 
reticent to drive under the 115-year old BNSF railroad, one lane Nutmeg Avenue 
gravel underpass, but will instead come down Burlington Avenue, past Walmart & 
HyVee substantially slowing down traffic and polluting the city. It is 
interesting to note that 12 percent of Jefferson County residents already have 
lung problems. The county cannot ban Heartland semi-trailers from going down 
Burlington without banning all similar semi-trailers. So expect them!
Lee Dimmitt admitted that he was aware of BNSF railroad’s adamant refusal to 
renovate the Nutmeg underpass, a critical component in the deal. Yet the 
supervisors approved the TIF/bonding resolution, purposely leaving out what 
they know to be the county’s responsibility in the very near future – to 
renovate the dangerous one lane gravel underpass.
Were the entire Nutmeg underpass construction included, transparently, in the 
front end of the deal where it belongs, the taxpayers would see that they are 
actually on the hook for $5 million. However, the supervisors put it on the 
back end, virtually out of sight. In other words, we are obligated to increase 
the debt at the time the one lane gravel underpass becomes untenable and 
dilapidated. At that time we will be forced to add another $2.8 million to fix 
the safety problem. Hence the aerial view of the taxpayer debt seeing both the 
front and back end is $5 million dollars, not $2.5 million dollars. The service 
on the totality of this debt has not been calculated and disclosed to the 
public and appears to be financially unsustainable.
Moreover, the supervisors are remiss in not securing an “outside” feasibility 
study. If Heartland does not meet its ambitious goals, it can fail. A CEO in 
the grain industry has told me, in his opinion, the Heartland project in not 
viable. If so, we will not only be left with an enormous debt but an abandoned 
monstrosity at our east gate with no property income to defray the debt. The 
supervisors’ actions are characterized by ignorance and “a lack of due 
diligence in securing professional advice, amounting to willful blindness.”
Just this week, in the face of the community’s concerns, the supervisors had 
the temerity to sign off on a $5,000 appropriation of taxpayer monies to hire 
outside attorneys so as to FEDA-fast track a legally binding TIF/bonding 
agreement between the county and Heartland, leaving out the Nutmeg underpass. 
No such agreement should be signed nor appropriations made to outside attorneys 
on behalf of the county before the whole Heartland/FEDA/supervisor story is 
pulled out from under the cover of darkness and the actual cost analysis 
including the Nutmeg back ended underpass is revealed to the taxpayers.
– Eileen Dannemann, Fairfield

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