On 05/29/2014 12:11 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Is it apathy or fear of changing the all powerful constitution? I saw a chat show interview between the awful Piers Morgan and some right-wing gun nut after the last primary school wipeout and Morgan had to resign after suggesting that gun controls should be tighter.

You mean Alex Jones. Alex is a shock jock and a little over the top when it come to guns. BTW, Howard Stern commented on that shows and thought it was "good television".

Alex is also anti-GMO, anti-fascism and has a crew in Copenhagen this week to cover the Bilderberg Group meeting. Alex recently hosted Alice Waters ("The Color Purple"). If you listen to his show (available via streaming at www.infowars.com ) you'll hear a promo done by Mike Judge doing his Hank Hill voice. Richard Belzer is a fan and drops by occasionally once with Christopher Walken hanging out with him. And Ed Asner is a fan and drops by sometimes.

Sometimes Alex goes a little jeezuzzy and sometimes he sounds like he might have had a walking mantra as a kid (bet his folks probably learned TM from what he says about them).

Jones is good listening though I don't agree with him on everything.

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