As usual you are an idiot and your thinking, if it can be called such, is 
flawed. Anyone who wants to rob a bank is going to do so regardless of how many 
bank patrons are armed. The crook would simply try to insure he was better 
armed than any potential citizen hero. Who is gonna try to whip out a snub 
nosed .38 on someone wearing body armor who has an Uzi pointed at you?

Most people who buy handguns for the "just in case" scenarios never bother to 
train with them and have no idea how to aim and fire under stressful 
circumstances. The end result of having every citizen armed is when trouble 
starts the casualty list would be MUCH higher from "friendly fire" coming from 
panicky citizens shooting wild. 

Remember, guns and the ammo they fire didn't come out of a Buddhist stupa, so 
you don't know what your hind end from a hole in the ground when it comes to 
good sense with guns.

 From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2014 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guns in Canada

On 6/6/2014 6:27 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>But Richard isn't the shooter a citizen? And aren't the citizens then also 
>becoming shooters? What is the distinction that you're making? Wouldn't it be 
>better for the citizens to call the police to deal with the shooter? It seems 
>like the other path leads to total anarchy.
So many questions, Share - you're actually making me think and sort
    this out in my head. Thanks.

My position is that every home should be having a gun for the
    self-defense of the resident, their family, and their neighbors,
    unless the resident is certified insane, a felon, or a minor, in
    which case it is unlawful for them to own a firearm. Many citizens
    are already armed at home where it is legal to own a gun, which is
    in most states in the U.S. and Alaska.

Around here in rural areas, almost everybody has a long gun in their
    home to be used for self-defense or for sport, or for hunting.  In
    Texas, it is legal to carry a rifle or pistol in your vehicle if you
    coming or going to a gun show, a hunting trip, or a gun sporting
    event. Some conscientious citizens in towns and cities even have a
    carry permit and they may be armed with a concealed handgun. 

The debate is whether or not people should be allowed to carry guns
    openly in plain sight. I have some reservations about this, but I
    will admit that the argument makes sense. Would anyone rob a bank if
    the patrons in line all had a gun in their pocket, on their hip, or
    a rifle over their shoulder? It's not complicated.

In an ideal society there would be no murder.

The worst case of mass murder in Texas occurred at a Luby's
    Cafeteria, where a guy came barging in an shot up the place killing
    over a dozen people. If someone in there had a concealed handgun,
    they could have shot the guy between the eyes the instant he raised
    his weapon and pointed it at someone. It took only a few minutes to
    mow down the defenseless diners like they were sitting ducks. What a

What we need to do is face the reality that people in this country
    have access to guns and that is probably not going to change any
    time soon. That is, unless we vote in an  government that sets aside
    the Second Amendment and sends in federal troops to confiscate
    everyone's firearms, thus starting a civil war between the federal
    government and the states. It would be really scary if an
    authoritarian government would take away everyone's civil rights and
    then impose their will on the people by force of arms. 

First, they take away your civil rights, then they come for the
    guns, then they come for the gays, lesbians, cross-dressers, and
    transgenders; then they come for the Jews, the Christians, the
    Muslims; and then they come for the TMers.

Everyone should take self-defense weapon training of some kind, even if it's 
just pepper-spray. That's what I think.

Note: My uncle is a custom gunsmith in Abilene and owner of one of
    the oldest gun shops in Texas. I've spent countless hours with this
    guy talking about this issue - I may be biased. Go figure.

>On Thursday, June 5, 2014 4:58 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
>[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:
>On 6/5/2014 8:27 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
>>It appears that Canada is not immune to gun violence either.
>>Nowhere is immune because people are violent. Another example of why guns 
>>have no place in society.
>We are probably never going to have an ideal society where there are no guns. 
>The reality is the last place you want to be, is in a gunfight without a gun. 
>If citizens were armed they could kill the shooter with a single shot to the 
>head. It's not complicated.

  • Re: [FairfieldL... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
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