This is my experience with colloidal silver:

I have used it as an eye wash - works real well.

I had shingles about 3 years ago - lesions up and down one leg - every time 
they started burning and itching, I sprayed colloidal silver on them (Source 
Naturals brand) and within usually 2 minutes, all burning and itching would 
stop. Really helped a LOT.

I had also used it previously to treat a candida problem I had and it 
absolutely worked. At that time I was taking about I think 4 tablespoons a day 
for about a month or maybe 6 weeks. I used a brand called Germ Slayer - the FDA 
ran them out of business a few years ago. They were selling to a lot of people 
who had Lyme disease. I talked with one or two who swore that a 3 or 4 month 
regimen of colloidal silver cured them. 

My cat that came to me as an ill kitten was losing fur on one paw - the vet 
thought it was ringworm, but the test proved negative - when the vet had no 
idea what was causing the hair loss, I began spraying the Source Naturals 
colloidal silver on his paw three times a day - the hair loss stopped within a 
day and after three days of treatment, the hair all grew back.

I find it interesting that while the regular medical community reviles and 
ridicules the use of colloidal silver, claiming it has NO therapeutic effects 
at all, even claiming that silver itself has no anti bacterial, fungal or viral 
effect, major pharmaceutical companies make and market silver products to the 
medical community.

They make dental silver nitrate compounds for treating mouth ulcers among other 
things, wound dressings with silver and coat medical devices with it too.
   Protecting Devices with Silver-Based Antimicrobials | MD...
The current economic climate has forced hospitals to scrutinize their spending 
in an effort to reduce costs and increase revenue. As a result, many hospitals 
are fo...  
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"Among the silver-containing items exhibited at the APIC conference 
were textile products such as operating gowns, mattress covers and bed 

Wound-care products also make major use of antimicrobial silver. With respect 
to wound dressings, studies have shown that dressings 
containing silver increase the comfort level for burn patients by 
minimizing adhesion between wound and dressing, thereby reducing pain 
when changing dressings. Antimicrobial-silver sprays are also used to 
protect surfaces likely to collect infectious organisms and silver-based 
coatings are also increasingly used in medical devices such as 
catheters and tubing to prevent surgical-site infections.

The antimicrobial effects of silver have been known since ancient times, but 
only within the last five years has silver been used more 
extensively to control healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). This has been 
in response to efforts by the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention (CDC) and by legislative mandates forcing hospitals to 
prevent the occurrence of HAIs."

That is from this article:
 Infection Control Products Driving the Use of Silver
Silver usage has grown exponentially in medicine and health-related products, 
notes The Silver Institute, which has been tracking its increased usage.  
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A Pharmacological and Toxicological Profile of Silver as an Antimicrobial Agent 
in Medical Devices

   A Pharmacological and Toxicological Profile of Silver as...
Abstract Silver is used widely in wound dressings and medical devices as a 
broad-spectrum antibiotic.   
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