"For decades"?? Share, you've known me for less than a single decade. What on 
earth would lead you to think you knew what I've been doing "for decades"? It 
couldn't be that you're taking Barry's word as gospel, could it?

 I've certainly been hammering Barry for decades (or almost two), but as you've 
been told several times now, he's been hammering me at least as relentlessly, 
and far more nastily, for the same length of time. As I noted, he was attacking 
me shortly after his arrival on FFL, well before I ever got here.

 I'm afraid your "theories" will need to be revised to take facts into account.



 Judy is another story, being way harsher and self righteous. What compels a 
person to participate in such a manner so unrelentingly? And for decades! I 
admit it totally baffles me. Well, not totally. I have my theories. Which I'm 
sure you guys would LOVE to hear LOL!


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