Maybe Bevan could hit them up for a major donation.  

On Saturday, June 21, 2014 12:32 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

On 6/20/2014 4:39 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>Do you think they might use any of that money to carry out terrorist activity? 
They will probably buy a few Apple iPhones and give the rest back to
    the bank.

>On Friday, June 20, 2014 10:50 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
>[FairfieldLife]" wrote:
>It's going down now. The fact is, we cannot win in Iraq against ISIS because 
>we gave up and pulled out what was a war that we had already won. There is 
>going to be hell to pay in Washington when the lights go out in Baghdad and 
>the 5,000 Americans are killed or captured inside the city. How much ransom 
>will the U.S. pay? Apparently ISIS doesn't need any cash since they  just 
>looted the bank of 2 billion dollars in gold and currency. 
>According to what I've read, ISIS has
                                  taken the largest oil refinery in
                                  Iraq. They now control the source of
                                  fuel and the power-grid in Baghdad. It
                                  looks like a massive siege - it will
                                  only be a few days until they take the
                                  Baghdad airport. It's over - we might
                                  as well face the reality. Go figure.
>'Islamic Army of Iraq founder: Isis
                                  and Sunni Islamists will march on
>The Telegraph:
>On 6/19/2014 8:44 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>jr, I don't know a lot about the Middle East - obviously they are in a cycle 
>>where no one can let go of any feelings, and they also have the problem of 
>>tribal people, being forced into political boundaries, by former colonial 
>>powers. Add oil, and the place is continuously explosive.  
>>Obviously the US is there, mostly for weapons "testing" and sales of more 
>>weapons. Also, given our political status in the world, we have the role, 
>>unfortunately, of world policeman. We currently produce enough oil to meet 
>>our needs, if we didn't export a lot of it, so no need for us to protect 
>>resources that we have plenty of, at home. 
>>One thing the US is *not* doing, is spreading freedom and democracy.
>>---In, mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
>>There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. 
>>You can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
>>characteristic of the people there? 
>>Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
>>fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of 
>>the sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth. 
>>IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
>>fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the 
>>cloth of religion. 
>>This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which 
>>states that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at 
>>that time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He destroyed the earth by 
>>water.  That's something to think about.  Hello, global warming?  
>>---In, mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
>>I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they 
>>count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short 
>>term slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
>>fighter gets involved.
>>---In, mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
>>Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
>>not, they should be fired. Here are the steps: 
>>1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
>>over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
>>Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any 
>>reinforcements of ISIS. 
>>2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria. 
>>3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to 
>>infiltrate Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns 
>>east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east. 
>>4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
>>make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be 
>>attacking from the main route to Mosul. 
>>5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
>>highway from Mosul. 
>>6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 
>>The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and be 
>>pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings.  IMO, this would demoralize 
>>the insurgents and flee for cover.  A victory against the insurgents will 
>>definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi people and its government. 
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