On 6/27/2014 1:53 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Although not allies in the past, Syria, Iran and the USA appear to have a common cause in the current political upheaval in Iraq. The age-old principle in jyotish seems to apply here which is: the enemy of your enemy is your friend. The enemy in this case is ISIS. Any questions?

get http://news.yahoo.com/analysis-iraq-producing-bizarre-mideast-dynamic-041505470.html

It looks like Obama wants to help the Syrian rebels who are attempting to overthrow Assad. If the rebels win in Syria, the ISIS will probably take over the entire country and get access to a lot of high-powered weapons. I'm not at all sure sending aid to the Syrian rebels is a good idea - what if it backfires? It's beginning to look like Obama does not know what he is doing. Foreign policy seems to be not his best talent. His entire Middle East plan is in shambles. What else can he do to screw things up? Go figure.

WASHINGTON —T he White House on Thursday proposed a major program to train and arm moderate Syrian rebels, in a significant expansion of the U.S. role in a civil war that officials fear is bleeding into Iraq and across the region...

'Obama Proposes $500 Million to Aid Syrian Rebels'
The Wall Street Journal:

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