
 I actually wanted to travel to Spain before this invitation came along.  So, 
there appears to be a synchronicity of events involved here.  Michelle, my 
cousin's daughter, will be happy for her wedding and I'll be happy for 
attending it and for the opportunity to travel.

 Also, she was in Paris when I went there in 2003.  But I didn't know at that 
time that she was there too.  So, our paths seem to cross quite often.  In my 
chart, she appears to be represented by Mercury which is placed in my first 

 It's actually fascinating to see how these events are unfolding.  From what I 
can see, she is making me travel to see her.  And, I don't mind since I like to 
travel anyway.   That's the mystery of karma and jyotish.

 By the way, I am now running the major period of Mercury.  Is that interesting 
or what?




---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 John, it sounds like a wonderful trip and great that the planets are so 
favorable for it. Vios con Dios (-:


 On Thursday, July 3, 2014 9:44 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:

   I just got an invitation to attend the wedding of my cousin's daughter.  
Ordinarily, I wouldn't accept an invitation like this from a far away location. 
 But it just so happens that my jyotish chart indicates that I'll be traveling 
this year due to the exalted Jupiter in conjunction with the lord of the 12th 
house in Cancer, the first house.

 Also, the sign of Cancer represents the second house of marriage for my 
cousin's daughter, who is represented by the 12th house in my own chart. These 
indicators look auspicious for everyone involved since the benefic Jupiter is 
exalted while in transit on the same sign for the entire year.

 So, I should take advantage of this karmic event to get out of San Francisco 
and visit a foreign country.  While over there, I might as well take a side 
trip to Madrid and a little town called Antequera, which just so happens to be 
the namesake of the town where I grew up in the Philippines.   It should be a 
good trip since I'm expecting to travel with my cousin and her husband.

 And, NO.  I don't speak fluent Spanish.  I've taken the language course while 
in high school.  But I'll bring my Spanish dictionary just in case.  Believe it 
or not, I made a previous trip to France, Switzerland, and Italy without 
knowing how to speak their languages.

 If all of the planets align properly, I should be in Seville, Spain on 
September 27, 2014 to attend the wedding.




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