For those (few) of you who are interested there was a book published recently 
"Love, Sex, Fear, Death: The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final 
Judgment" by Timothy Wyllie (Editor) and Adam Parfrey.

 It's an intriguing account of life inside a cult and includes lots of original 
material published by the Church.

 One account that intrigued me was one chap who was ostracized by the group for 
a period and ordered to expiate his faults. He took to flagellating himself and 
found that it induced a transcendental mystical state in which he left his body 
and experienced a state of ecstasy. When he returned to live with the other 
members he reported his experiences and many followed his example and 
experienced the same heightened state.

 When we read of medieval self-flagellants we naturally assume it's a perverse 
phenomenon induced by morbid guilt. But was it a masochistic indulgence or 
could it be that they too were experiencing that ecstatic release and were 
actually "enjoying" themselves?

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