Peer-pressure can be a double edged thing cutting two ways like with some of 
those who actively hate TM out in the world now. But there is a lot of middle 
ground, the middle-way. Seems a lot of meditators living in town here 
acknowledge they are meditators when you ask them; just not 'that' pointing 
towards campus or Vedic City. Same thing in interviewing old TM movement 
meditators out in the world while on field trips to research the popular 
spiritual movements of the lady-saints. There is a large reality to that middle 
ground of meditators and the old 'retired' TM teachers who are simple 
practitioners away from the TM movement. In that way this is a challenge of the 
rapprochement the TM organization has in facing the meditating community. A lot 
of water has more clearly gone under the bridge and over the waterfall flowing 
on for all to see. That is a challenge for TM given the post-modern world of 
data and information flowing fast and out of control. Welcome to the new 
post-modern tech world of data and transparency going forward. "Ethics as A 
Leading Economic Indicator? What Went Wrong? ..” TM like Israel evidently is in 
the midst of wrestling with its past going forward, -Buck

 rap·proche·ment: an establishment or resumption of harmonious relations.

 turquoiseb writes:

 Looking through Internet portals today, and finding article after article 
after article written by Jews who obviously feel that they "have to" speak up 
to defend the State of Israel's actions in Gaza, I was struck by how similar 
this situation must be for these "Jews in name only" to the situation of the 
"TMers in name only" who post to FFL from time to time. 


 It's like the "Jews in name only" who suddenly feel the need to go public with 
their support of Israel are subliminally saying, "I *HATE* what these greedy, 
Zionist Israeli fucktards are doing in the name of 'being Jewish.' I *HATE* 
that when I meet people and they learn that I'm Jewish they immediately think 
that I'm one of *those* kinda Jews -- the ones who slaughter children and 
deprive non-Jews of their rights. But I'm so stuck in the rut of 'being Jewish' 
that I feel I have no other path than to pretend to support an organization 
(the State of Israel) that I neither like, nor support." 


I guess I'm suggesting that a few people who seem to be posting here on FFL in 
support of the TMO  are feeling the same peer pressure, and caving in to it. 

Just a theory...

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