My dear one
 I am sure that your value  is more than Kiri Campbell  deposit of $15 million 
----you may deposit more than that  into my bank account at the Bermudas.

What can we do to improve this situation?
No bad check , please....and do not fly away

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 merudanda, what can we do to improve this situation? thank you, shareflong

 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:59 AM, merudanda <> wrote:

 Gruppierung OPPT sorgte für Polizeieinsatz im Waldviertel Staatsanwaltschaft: "One People's Public 
Trust" erkennt Österreich nicht als Staat an - Haftbefehl ausgestellt und 
Gerichtsverhandlung angesetzt

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 Gruppierung OPPT sorgte für Polizeieinsatz im Waldviertel
Prosecutor: "One People's Public Trust" does not recognize Austria as a state 
at - issued arrest warrant and scheduled court hearing
The group occurs after the prosecutor as an "international 
organization"originated in USA which designates Austria as a business. They 
negate the Austrian legal system, because of this  the members 

 -are subordinate and representing"Common Law" - and

 which in turn refer to themselves as sheriffs and sovereign.
OPPT describes itself as a "grassroots movement" and criticized, for example, 
the existing banking system, because of this man "has robbed and cheated 
throughout life." In addition, all people would live for generations as slave 
1) Governments are/were Corporations.
2) Persons are/were corporation.
3) Mass media is the tool used by Corporate Governments to deliver propaganda 
directly to your home.
4) As a result, the world’s economic structure is was a mechanism of mass 
Heather explains the history of the OPPT, the purpose of the actions, the 
documents, those affected, others that have used the documents, how to use them 
in court, those that fought the system are are sitting in jail,
December 25, 2012, soon after, the Alternative Media begin reporting on it 
claiming that all world governments and corporations had been foreclosed and 
promising listeners $10 billion in gold and silver. Around April, in response 
to questions by followers asking where their $10 billion is, Heather invents 
the "courtesy notice" and wrote documents that followers could take to banks to 
deposit a fraction of their "intrinsic value", convert it to actual currency at 
the bank and thus followers could finally get a portion of their promised 
Kiri Campbell, acting upon OPPT advise, attempts to deposit $15 million of her 
"value" into her bank account as well as writing $60,000 in bad checks backed 
by her "value"...........




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