Fairfield Meditating: Living nice, cheap, and spiritual 
 having some style and a good time, like on the Farm. 
 Erin McCarley: What would you say were the founding principles of The Farm?
 Stephen Gaskin: We had all been spiritual students of one kind or another. We 
still are. I used to say, “If you took all religions, like on IBM punch cards, 
some of the holes would go clear through the stack.” And that’s what we’re 
interested in. We agreed that if you felt like we were all one, we could live 
collectively in a way in which everybody could have some of what was happening.

 For Lurkers looking in, for a perspective on how we live as the Fairfield, 
Iowa meditating community see the recent post/link to the organizational flow 
charts as to how we are as a living community here. The pundit thing is a small 
part of the Fairfield Iowa meditator experience.

 Om well, to anybody who is *new*  to this looking in on Fairfield, Iowa from 
the outside you should know also for relative perspective that the pundit thing 
is an outpost of all that is the TM meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.   
Most Fairfield meditators don't have anything to do with it and there was never 
a lot of buy in to it for common Fairfield rank and file meditators. The pundit 
program is a pretty exclusive thing that is run by a few super-ru's.


 “We are a group of people who have come together and created a community for a 
transcendentally important common purpose, which of course is to practice the 
Transcendental Meditation program and the TM-Sidhi program together as a group, 
for the sake of bringing coherence to national and world consciousness based on 
balancing labor and leisure to meditate while working together for the benefit 
of the community. Our Super-Radiance meditating community includes families of 
TM-Meditators and TM-Sidhas in the Fairfield, Vedic City and Jefferson County 

 awoelflebater writes:
 feste37 writes:
 "feste37" wrote:

 That's a good summary.

 Thanks. It is interesting that you responded first to this. I actually was 
thinking of asking you to help me edit this particular paper for this 
particular scholarly audience. I pushed ahead anyway and they seem quite 
pleased with this as an entry in to the subject of TM and Fairfield for 
discussion. -Buck 

 But if the scholars didn't know about TM and Fairfield, I'd be interested in 
knowing what were the Utopian/spiritual/intentional/communal groups that they 
did discuss, especially those currently in existence. Where are these groups 
located? Who are they?

 Yesterday in Fairfield I met a couple of young people visiting Fairfield from 
a commune in Missouri. They had heard about Fairfield and came up from southern 
Missouri to visit. They had their back-packs with bed-rolls and were on the 
square downtown. I stopped and asked them what they were about. They were from 
a communal group different from Dancing Rabbit located much further south than 
the communes near Dancing Rabbit. Missouri hosts quite a number of communal 
groups. Sandhill being another Missouri self=sustaining commune that is older 
and better known. The group these young men were from is part of the 12 tribes 
movement, a shared=goods group sort of like the Hutterites. They live 
communally but different from the Hutterites the Tribes live in common dwelling 
houses. Twelve tribes came out of the Jesus movement of the anti-war years of 
the 70's but is very anti-established institutional doctrinaire Christianity. 
These were real nice idealistic young people a lot like we are as bringing a 
better place to the world. Millennialists like us, just a different language. 
They pray a lot like we meditate a lot. 

 -Buck, on the Streets of Fairfield

 Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage | Building Sustainable Community 


 At the meeting were specialists in different communal groups and aspects of 
different groups. Oneida, Harmonists, Amana, Shakers, Icarians, Mormons, 
Synanon, new religions and contemporary religious and secular communities, 
Camphill, the Twelve Tribes, City of David, Kibitz, and some other particular 
contemporary cloistered groups had papers delivered about them. There was a 
paper given considering quantitative measurement of the notion of 
sustainability in communal groups using a contemporary 'intentional community' 
group that is just to our south over the border in Missouri, the intentional 
community of Dancing Rabbit. The conference had papers on many different 
aspects of utopian community. Sociologists, anthropologists, 
ethno-musicologists, economists, religious studies, and historians. The meeting 
was all extremely interesting as a communal comparison for our own group. It's 
a meeting of an old scholarly association and the meeting was very 
professionally and well done. This was the second year I've attended as someone 
coming from (meditating) Fairfield.


 Thanks. I'm very curious about Dancing Rabbit. Who are they?

 I wrote this piece below and have been e-mailing individually to a number of 
scholarly folks who I met at an academic meeting studying Utopian and communal 
groups that I attended recently out in upstate New York. I came away with about 
50 business cards from scholars who I met and talked with at the conference.  I 
wrote this to be able to send to them something descriptive about (meditating) 
Fairfield, Iowa as a 'communal' group.  Of course what I set out to write 
became longer than I intended.  Here is the unabridged version with the links.  
I hope you'll like the Shaker comparison and I think you'll appreciate the 
links.  -Buck in the Dome


 Communal (Meditating) Fairfield, Iowa

 On returning home from the annual meeting I find myself wanting to catch up by 
sharing some links on 'communal' Fairfield, Iowa with you that might better 
give insight in to a scale and circumstance of the communal society I come from 
and have lived in for 40 years. Starting from the outside looking in on 
meditating Fairfield it can seem like looking at a monolith. Evidently it is 
easy to make assumptions about Fairfield and its meditators as it is also tough 
to discern what is going on inside the meditating community. But it need not be 
difficult at all once there are handles on it. The Fairfield meditating 
community has matured in time and is quite developed with many communal 
features to find and look at. I see Fairfield, Iowa in fact can provide a large 
and living laboratory for communal community scholars to look at.

 Beginning with Tim Miller's Communal Societies Vol. 30 No.1, 2010 paper in 
mind I'll give you some things further below to look at for yourselves,

 "A Matter of Definition: Just What Is an Intentional Community?"

 -A sense of purpose and distinctiveness, with deliberate intent to be a 
 -Some kind of shared living space
 -Some shared resources
 -Critical mass

 For communal studies scholars looking in I believe one of the best ways to 
understand the scale of the Fairfield Meditating community is to relate to it 
in a form like the old Shaker villages as organizational structure back while 
the Shakers were up and running. In the middle of TM is the equivalent of a 
Shaker 'Ministry Family' of upper administration and then elements of communal 
families of meditators that are in concentric circles around the middle 
including meditators who live well outside the middle in town but come inside 
to meditate also as members. The upper level is a more exclusive level (only 
for sake of an analogy though, they do not use that term 'ministry' to describe 
themselves) which currently now tends to live more exclusively out in an 
adjacent new town area called Maharishi Vedic City to the northwest of 
Fairfield proper. The university community lives more on their campus in 
Fairfield. The larger meditating community lives through out Fairfield and the 
County area either disperse singly or in meditator households in neighborhoods. 
Maharishi Vedic City and the university community each function with obvious 
communal aspect with people living together, working for their community 
together, housing close together, educating their kids together, socializing 
together, sharing resources etc. The larger surrounding meditating community 
also functions that way. The common thing to these Shaker-like 'families' of 
meditators in the Fairfield area like the Shakers is that they moved to 
Fairfield as meditators to be practicing meditators in something larger.

 In starting, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a proponent of Transcendental 
Meditation for 60 years in the West and there has been a meditating community 
in Fairfield, Iowa for about 40 years.

 The Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement purchased a bankrupt college 
campus in Fairfield, Iowa and moved a university there in 1974. The university 
was teaching a wide liberal arts curricula where the students and faculty were 
also practicing meditators. That functioned as a unit in Fairfield for about a 
half decade when at a large gathering of meditators meeting with Maharishi it 
was suggested that folks as meditators move to the Fairfield community to be 
able to meditate regularly in large group meditations. That was the start of 
the Fairfield meditating community where meditators moved to Fairfield, Iowa 
generally. Through the later 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and even up to present time 
thousands of meditators have lived in Fairfield.

 Like happened with the Shakers there are now lots of projects that go along 
with meditating that start to be defining otherwise but still the formative 
communal reason here is more essentially about the spiritual practice of 
meditating. Hopefully this is useful as a way of looking at it. I am providing 
here below some source links to these elements that I think are good ways of 
accessing what is going on inside of a communal meditating Fairfield.

 The Group Meditation:
 Large daily group meditations are held in community facilities the meditating 
community built in the early 1980's intended to house large group meditations. 
This source link gives an overview to this aspect of the community:
 Invincible America http://invincibleamerica.org/tallies/

 Notice clear down at the bottom of this page are daily tallies that in this 
record go back to 2006. The point is that in the daily ebb and flow of 
meditating in Fairfield is this particular communal aspect of meditation which 
happens everyday twice a day and has for a long time.

 The 'Golden Domes':
 Back in the 1980's the meditating community built two large wooden dome 
structures to house the community meditation. There is a site on Wikipedia 
about these buildings. This Wiki 'Golden Domes' site is very well sourced.

 Golden Domes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

 The meditating university community as 'Consciousness-based Education':

 The university in Fairfield functions as its own communal group which is also 
part of the larger meditating community in Fairfield. University faculty, 
staff, and students housed close together on campus, take their meals together, 
meditate together, work together, their kids go to the meditating primary and 
secondary community school together, and sustaining resources are shared from 
the community: Maharishi University of Management http://www.mum.edu

 Likewise the meditating community's elementary and secondary school function 
as another communal group or 'family' with similar communal features as the 
university. Home : Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment 

 The Larger Meditating Fairfield Meditator Community:

 Most meditators who have come to live in the area live in Fairfield proper or 
out in the county area living outside of both the university campus and the 
Maharishi Vedic City area . The general Jefferson County Iowa population is 
about 15,000. The Fairfield population is about 10,000. In the Jefferson 
County/Fairfield area there are about 3,000 adult age meditators living still. 
The university campus houses many hundred people. The recent census found about 
250 people living in Maharishi Vedic City and an approximate additional 1,000 
pundits on temporary visas living to the north of Maharish Vedic City in a 
compound that has recently been built. When Transcendental Meditation was 
culturally popular previously around the time that the Beatles were followers 
of Maharishi, Transcendental Meditation (TM) often drew heavily from college 
and university communities. As a result the immigration of TM meditators to 
Fairfield has brought both an educated and cosmopolitan group together in a 
small midwest town. This aspect combined with its Utopian values in the larger 
community of meditators living outside of campus and outside of Vedic City 
deserves a look as its own distinctive communal society. The greater or larger 
Fairfield meditator meditating community often gets more defined locally by its 
communal arts, civic activities and businesses alongside the indigenous 
Fairfield and Jefferson County Iowa population. This becomes its own large area 
in communal Fairfield studies that has not been written about so much other 
than feature articles appearing in newspapers and magazines and now more 
recently in an Oprah film production in a form of overview journalism.

 The Maharishi Vedic City Communal Grouping:

 Maharishi Vedic City functions effectively as a theocratic municipality in the 
vein of Holly Folk's paper on the subject about theocratic municipality in 
Communal Societies V 31.2, 2011.

 Two sources of information on the internet that are authored by people in the 
community of Maharishi Vedic City are: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maharishi_Vedic_City,_Iowa and their own website: 
Maharishi Vedic City http://www.vediccity.net/

 In conclusion generally I have found Fairfield, Iowa to be an extremely vital 
and fun communal place to live as one of the larger and older Utopian places 
currently operating in the U.S. I see now that it is old enough and mature 
enough to deserve some study by scholars so I wanted to share these link with 
you to help you become introduced. These then are the three or four communal 
groupings within the meditating Fairfield community that you can look at easily 
from outside. I hope you find their links and descriptions both useful and 
interesting to the studies of communal societies.

 And, of course there is Fairfield itself:

 Fairfield, IA - Official Website http://cityoffairfieldiowa.com/

 With Kind Regards from Fairfield,


 A couple months ago I attended an academic conference with about a hundred 
scholars who study our kind of group. They were generally unaware of Fairfield. 
In conversing with these scholars over several days time it was as if 'TM' had 
dropped off the planet. These were tenured professors, department chairs, 
directors of collections who teach at real universities from all over the 
country. Basically zip understanding of TM let alone Fairfield. TM seemingly 
disappeared from culture from the 1980's and on and suffers still from that 
amnesia of inertia. It got to the point even in Fairfield where the Dome 
numbers had dropped in the y-2000's to just a couple hundred people meditating 
together. Nearly died out except for the resuscitation of the urgency of the 
invincible America meditation program (2006) and the last ditch efforts of some 
few people (Bob Wynne) in Vedic City to actually bring pundits to Fairfield 
Maharishi Vedic City: Welcome from the Mayor 

 It is an amazing thing going on in Fairfield. It is real interesting to be in 
the middle of communicating that to people outside in the world.

 -Buck in the Dome

 It is interesting, that most people out in the world, even educated people, 
have no idea what is going on here let alone the gravity of it. We should all 
be unperturbed by their general old-age ignorance of it though and rigorously 
just attend to our meditations. Great is our method and science of peace here. 
The New Jerusalem is coming,


 sharelong60 wrote:

 Your brave enthusiasm and still makes me smile just about every day (-:

 > > > > > > > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reducing Tension in the Middle 
 > > > > > > > > > East

 > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > >   
 > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > > 
emptybill wrote:
 > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > > Buckyball
 > > > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > > > "A perennial philosophy of all major cultural traditions 
 > > > > > > > > > > > that there
 > > > > > > > > > > > exists a transcendental field at the most fundamental 
 > > > > > > > > > > > level of natural
 > > > > > > > > > > > law ..."
 > > > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > > > If this is true then it is not "transcendental" but 
 > > > > > > > > > > > rather a supporting
 > > > > > > > > > > > ground.
 > > > > > > > > > > > In other words, it is prakriti/pradhâna/avyakta (an 
 > > > > > > > > > > > unmanifest).
 > > > > > > > > > > > It is nature, but not transcendent.
 > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > > EBill, Yep I know what you mean, that's my experience too. 
 > > > > > > > > > > As I was editing that piece I chose to stick with the 
 > > > > > > > > > > western language and stay away from the Vedic so as not to 
 > > > > > > > > > > confuse the ignorant lurker here. Going with the 
 > > > > > > > > > > 'Transcendental' field was good enough for the release 
 > > > > > > > > > > posted here. Best Regards, -Buck 
 > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > I went to a lecture at the U. of Ia. in Iowa City the other 
 > > > > > > > > > nite given by a visiting classicist professor and went out 
 > > > > > > > > > to dinner with him after. In discussing Fairfield he broke 
 > > > > > > > > > from what we were saying at a point and declared he could 
 > > > > > > > > > not understand what Utopia could possibly be. That he lives 
 > > > > > > > > > in the past and present but could not understand what I was 
 > > > > > > > > > saying about a future Utopia this way. It was not the time 
 > > > > > > > > > to say anything more but we are e-mailing. It is a 
 > > > > > > > > > challenging thing to communicate. 
 > > > > > > > > > -Buck
 > > > > > > > > > 
 > > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > > > A perennial philosophy of all major cultural 
 > > > > > > > > > > > > traditions that there
 > > > > > > > > > > > exists a transcendental field at the most fundamental 
 > > > > > > > > > > > level of natural
 > > > > > > > > > > > law, which can be directly accessed as the silent 
 > > > > > > > > > > > transcendental level
 > > > > > > > > > > > of the human mind. Hundreds of studies have shown that 
 > > > > > > > > > > > experience of
 > > > > > > > > > > > transcendental consciousness breaks the chain of 
 > > > > > > > > > > > conditioned reflexes
 > > > > > > > > > > > coming on from past behavior, as seen in reduced 
 > > > > > > > > > > > addictive behaviors of
 > > > > > > > > > > > all kinds, decreased prison recidivism, and reduced 
 > > > > > > > > > > > behavioral problems
 > > > > > > > > > > > in inner-city children.
 > > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > > > > Now there is hope because a proven technology of 
 > > > > > > > > > > > > > consciousness to
 > > > > > > > > > > > create peace is available. This novel approach 
 > > > > > > > > > > > establishes a filter of
 > > > > > > > > > > > coherence and order in collective consciousness in the 
 > > > > > > > > > > > present, which is
 > > > > > > > > > > > capable of transforming the flow of negativity from the 
 > > > > > > > > > > > past into a more
 > > > > > > > > > > > harmonious future.
 > > > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > > > > Meditation is certainly the answer,
 > > > > > > > > > > > > > -Buck in the Dome
 > > > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > > >
 > > > > > > >
 > > > > > >
 > > > > >
 > > > >
 > > >
 > >
 > . O . . 

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