Better to figure out you have been a fool than remain a fool your whole life.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The RCA - Reformed Cult Addicts

In addition to the various groups which form and disband on here, there is a 
new one that has come into being, recently; The RCA - Reformed Cult Addicts. 
These folks are the hot spoon, needle in your arm, rush to the brain, type of 
cult addicts. Spending decades in the service of people they not only felt 
inferior to, but spent BIG BUCKS doing so. Year after year.

So, after kissing butt to luminaries such as Fred Lenz (who claimed to be 
Vishnu and supposedly flew around for Barry) and others, for decades, they turn 
away from this foolishness and zealotry, and guess what? THEY BECOME EVEN 
BIGGER ZEALOTS of trying to "deprogram" everyone around them. 

The seeds of their previous foolishness are planted so deeply, that they are 
constantly waging battle with those who they see as emulating their previous 
selves. These guys are the hardcore, the seriously addicted, the habitually 
enslaved to whatever or whoever they think will bring them peace and relief. 
And the weirdest, funniest thing of all, is they make it everyone else's fault. 
Guys like Barry, and MJ are on a crusade to save us from ourselves. Sounds an 
awful lot, like the cult mentality they brainwashed themselves with, is still 
strongly evident. Still out to change our minds, still out to tell us the 
truth, still out to tell us what we should believe. They still sound like cult 
addicts to me. Welcome, the RCA! 
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