I think Judy, or emptybill or WillyTex can do that.

Where is Judy when I need her?

---Danfriedman2002 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Hey Jedi,Good job. Can you put that in a Jewish Framework for the rest of us? 
Thanks in advance.

--- <jedi_spock@...> wrote :

The shastras and hindu philosophy clearly state that Siddhis 
are by-products of sadhana. They are never the main goal and 
one must never aspire for them.

The Bhagavad Gita basicaly state that there are two types of 
actions. Sreyas and Preyas.

Sreyas is an action that is difficult to perform now, but 
brings rewards later.  Preyas is an action that is easy to 
perform now, but brings suffering later.

The Bhagavad Gita also states that there are basicaly two 
types of attachments. Raagam and Dwesham.

Raagam is positive attachment (attraction). Dwesham is 
negative attachment (repulsion). The mind keeps occilating 
between them.

The hindu Shastras basicaly gives two lists, a 'white list' 
and a 'black list'.  Yamas is whitelist, list of moral 
obligations. These are things one must mandatorialy.
Niyamas is blacklist, list of ethical restrictions. One must 
never under any circumstances do those deeds. The two lists 
combine to form Yoga.

In ancient hindu texts 3000 or 4000 years ago, there were 
basicaly two paths, Gyana yoga and karma yoga.  Bhakthi was 
seen as something essential for all paths and all types of 

All paths begin with bhakthi yoga. Bhakthi starts with prem, 
a love for the divine.

--- <noozguru@...> wrote :

The first one is a Vashikaran siddhi.  So that means that all the TM-Sidhi 
folks are Vamacharis. :-D 


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