---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Those are some good points, and observations Ann, but we must remember that 
Michael has acquired special powers of knowing why people start meditating, and 
why they stop meditating. 
 Why it was just a couple days ago when he kindly corrected me as to the real 
reasons I curtailed, or discontinued part of my practice of TM and TMSP.

 He was very adamant about it, and it was really quite revealing. Sort of like 
he was screaming at me.

 Maybe he can dust off that old shingle of his, "MJ Spiritualist", and channel 
similar advice to others.

 Methinks, Michael is going to take exception to some of your observations.


 MJ seems to get on a train that is rolling fast down some track and then he 
finds himself unable to jump off it or stop it and before you know it he is 
accusing you of being a big TM apologist and cultist and virtually prostrating 
yourself at Maharishi's feet, even now, even though it is readily apparent that 
you are more like me: we both involved ourselves for a while in TM (you a 
teacher, me a student for 4 years at MIU) but now we have both moved on to 
other aspects of our lives. We hold no animosity for the Movement nor do we 
regret our time and energy spent doing what we did years ago. But once MJ gets 
something in his mind it seems hard to shake it out of there. He would have 
made a good fighting dog - once he gets a hold he simply won't let go, even 
when he's pulled the other dog's head clear off its shoulders.


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