Following up on Salyavin's post about neuroscientists being able to zap brains 
with blue light to create more positive emotional associations with memories 
and thus treat PTSD, here's another article showing that this "brain-zapping 
psychiatry" stuff now seems to be a trend.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. Especially in this case. This is a helmet 
that supposedly zaps the brains of heavy smokers to help them quit. Great. But 
I'll bet that once it's approved, it'll wind up costing thousands or tens of 
thousands of dollars for one zap. 

Meanwhile, all over the world doctors and researchers (including many at the 
CDC) are refusing to support e-cigarettes, which have been shown to be almost 
as effective at helping people to quit smoking. The e-cigs cost about $20, 
they're refillable, and they WORK. And so what are doctors trying to do? 
Legislate them out of existence so they can sell more expensive "solutions." 

Zapping brain may cure heavy smokers, study finds

Zapping brain may cure heavy smokers, study finds
44% of pack-a-day-plus smokers studied were able to kick the habit with 'shock' 
treatment, despite past failures  
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