On 9/2/2014 11:18 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, I learned the hard way that it feels bad to say mean things to people here.
That's probably a good plan. We need fair and balanced people like you on the forum, Share.
So like with MJ, I try to restrict myself to responding simply to his out of date and inaccurate allegations.
But, he is an interesting character study. Who else do you know that would post to an Iowa public news forum using an /alias of a //dead black singer/ and then post from South Carolina? Go figure.
Like I've said, I think the Funny Farm Lounge has taught me a lot of useful stuff. Go figger (-:
It can be very funny as long as you don't have to meet up in person, face-to-face with friends at a campus party, or with people you know around town at the Revelations coffee shop. If they see you on the sidewalk, and they cross over to the other side, you can assume they've been read your messages on social media. LoL!

On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 11:02 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

On 9/1/2014 10:06 PM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com <mailto:steve.sun...@yahoo.com> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, I hear your plaintive cry for help.
At least there are three or four people on the forum we can depend on to be decent. It's nice to be able to discuss something with someone without the respondent getting all bent out of shape. I still can't understand why Judy called you and the other guy, Anartaxius, "liars" - but it's all water under the bridge now anyway. Now if we could just deal with MJ and the TB. LoL!

I will try to reach out to you.
Thanks for responding. It was supposed to be a joke.

#1) The golden rule is not, "those with the gold, make the rules". It is something other than that.
On this forum it is Rick that makes the rules. We are all guests on his forum. Anyone is free to start there own.

#2) The jury is out as to whether Zen Master Rama, aka Frederick Lenz was able to levitate. Let's wait for more data to come in before we comment on that.
The guy is dead, but only his students are making the claim that he could levitate. I don't recall Rama himself ever making that claim. So, I guess the burden of proof is on the students making the claims.

#3) Postings made two to three years ago, should not be considered as current. Chat room protocol has generally set a six month, four day limit as to whether a posting is current or not.
On most discussion groups, everything that has ever been posted is fair game. Judy was a master at searching out old comments in order to make her point. Quite often it's not what people are saying but what they once said that is important to the conversation. It is a common tactic to point out consistencies in any debate. Sadly, the Yahoo Groups search function seems to be on the blink, so we will have to use the other FFL archive to search out older messages. Of course, this isn't a "chat room" as Judy pointed out - it's supposed to be a discussion. But, sometimes it does act like a chat room when most of the messages begin and end on one single line and all begin with RE:.

#4) Posting a person's name when they have requested anonymity is not considered good taste, and is really violation of the rules of the forum.
It's not a good idea to post using your name and email address in the header if you want to be anonymous, Steve. That's my point.

#4a) Using a person's name in such a way that you are saying you are not going use such and such''s name, because such and such has requested that you not do it, does not get around point #4.
Maybe she didn't realize that her name was in the header of all her messages, including the one where she requested us not to reveal it. Go figure. But, in fact it was Judy and Susan that first revealed her her first name. If what's-her-name had not made a big deal out of it, probably nobody would have even noticed it. Now it's gone into over 200 replies, WITH HER NAME FOR ALL TO SEE! Not to mention that Susan's original post included the TurquoiseB's real name in the subject line. Go figure.

It's not complicated. Now, we all need someone to talk to. Some more than others. Please note the daily post totals. (-:
It's simple:

/"Be familiar with the group you are posting to before you post! One normally does not join a conversation by just walking up and talking. Instead, you listen first and then join in if you have something pertinent to contribute. If you have a question to ask, first consider if it's something you can find out by reading the appropriate manual or asking someone."/


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