Wilhelm Reich has always struck me a someone who was crying out to have his 
life story filmed: a brilliant student of Freud before being rejected by this 
father figure; expelled from the psychoanalytic community because of his 
Communist leanings; expelled from the German Communist Party because he set up 
clinics offering free advice on sex to young people; expelled from Germany by 
the Nazis; . . . he got up the nose of a lot of people! Then when he arrived in 
the States he really went off the rails: he claimed to have proved the 
existence of orgone energy (similar to the Chinese "chi" and the Hindu 
"prana"); then he discovered D.O.R. (deadly orgone energy) which was 
exacerbated by the nuclear testing of the 1950s. He capped it all by building 
Orgone Accumulators to capture chi energy (William Burroughs had one), and he 
used "Cloudbusters" to cause rainfall - and he even insisted he'd destroyed a 
 Anyway, a German film has appeared (blatently taking Reich's side) about the 
last years of Reich's life and covers all of the above (minus the UFO). It's 
not bad and some naughty person has downloaded a high-definition copy onto 
YouTube so watch it while you can. The opening few minutes are in German (seems 
to be a young Reich reading a paper before Freud and colleagues and getting the 
cold shoulder) but the rest of the movie is in English.



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