Look, Sam Harris leaves the door wide open to research in consciousness like TM 
does. Read the article. In fact in meditation even he, Sam Harris does science 
on 'introspective' woo-woo that way too! You guys must be very disappointed to 
have lost what you have seen as your champion against meditating from the 
public arena. A pitiable thing here is that you guys quite evidently do not use 
your nervous system very effectively that scientific way Harris does whilst 
yous even got a human nervous system on this planet. 
  Take for instance a hypothesis based on observation: Make haste, make use of 
your time in meditation and then you'll know more. Harris is even urging you 
saying that effective modern spirituality is very scientific practice in so 
many ways. Quite evidently an effective spiritual practice scientifically is 
at: http://www.tm.org/ http://www.tm.org/ Your own science methodology in 
spirituality evidently seems must not be very good for some reason to 
experiment with. You quitters ought to get your meditations checked so you 
could be a credible part of a modern spiritual discussion.  Unless you are 
really satisfied being in the control group.  According to the research your 
spirituality might even do everyone some good if you would work on it. The 
experience of an effective meditation might well help you with what seems an 
angry entrenched mood about your poor experience, like Harris mentions in form 
like around the vasana of anger in your systems. Do some more science of your 
own experimenting. Meditating in the field effect of effective spiritual 
practice groups is found to be useful, may be look for that too to help you in 
your research.
 Have a really wonderful day today on planet earth,
 after meditating this morning I got to unload 300 bales of hay.
 300 more coming this afternoon before meditation,
 “In “Waking Up,” I argue that spirituality need not rest on any faith-based 
assumptions about what exists outside of our own experience. And it arises from 
the same spirit of honest inquiry that motivates science itself.” 
 -Sam Harris

 turquoiseb@...> wrote :


 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 Good article, I get an idea of where he's coming from. Nothing to do with 
mystic woo woo at all. In fact, he's a man after my own heart.

Mine, too. He manages to bring concepts that most people get all hazy and Woo 
Woo about into crystal clarity.

Of course consciousness isn't reducible. loads of things aren't, life itself 
for instance. Reason is they depend on advanced structures, a rock isn't 
conscious but it's made of the same stuff as my brain is, therefore it must be 
the organisation inside my head that gives rise to awareness. This is quite 
obviously born out by experiment.

 No there isn't a central place in the brain where the sense of self resides, 
evolution teaches that isn't a likely prediction because it would have to be a 
very ancient biological structure and yet it acts all modern with its feelings 
etc. Seems obvious that all parts of the brain from the ancient reptilian parts 
that gives us instincts and simple motor function responses, the mid brain or 
limbic system we share with most other mammals that gives us emotions, desires 
and learned responses like fight or flight.

 On top of that is the neocortex that gives us higher mammals reasoning and 
episodic memory, all these things are interconnected and we experience and use 
all of them with the top, most recently evolved bit, wondering where all the 
inner stuff comes from.

 You can also tell there's no inner "self" when the brain gets damaged, in 
severe epilepsy the two brains halves are sometimes separated by cutting the 
connecting nerves. People can still function but if you place a screen between 
someone's eyes so they can't see what's on the other side your left eye will 
see things but you won't know what they are even though your right hand can 
draw them! This means there must be two "selfs" one in each side! How weird is 


 I think the hard problem is really the easy bit, the tricky task is working 
out exactly what everything is doing and when. 

I've never understood those who go on and on about the "hard problem." It's 
simply a non-issue to a pragmatic Buddhist. Who CARES about the "Why" of 
consciousness or "Where it comes from?" No one has ever known and no one ever 
will, and 'knowing' would do them no good even if they found what they thought 
was a suitable "Why" or "Where." 

The pragmatic spiritual approach is to leave all the figuring and the posturing 
about the "Why" of life to those who feel they have time to waste on such 
self-indulgent shit, and focus instead on the obvious -- that *something* we 
call consciousness exists, here and now, and that we have the ability to work 
with it. The only thing that seems to have any pragmatic value -- for us or for 
others -- is learning how to make the best use of whatever we consider 
consciousness to be. 

Then again, I fully admit to being underwhelmed by the silly shit that 
"philosophers" spend their lives pondering. I think the world would have been a 
better place if they'd all been forced to go out and actually DO something of 
benefit to other people instead of sitting on their asses feeling 
self-important about a self that never existed.  :-)

The inner minds eye has been there since the dawn of complex animal life even 
though it must have improved via evolution, it's the way we know to respond to 
threats, simple stimulus/response but so useful it got improved rapidly. This 
understanding of conscious correlates is proceeding well but the brain is the 
most complex structure in the known universe. So it's a bit early to say that 
consciousness is impossible or must be some sort of "other" thing from the rest 
of the stuff we know the universe is made of. And it's quite a relief that Sam 
Harris isn't a mystic he just has a different sense of the importance of inner 
experience than most scientists. I still see no evidence for quantum 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <wayback71@...> wrote :

 Sam Harris's Vanishing Self 

 Sam Harris's Vanishing Self 
 Sam Harris's Vanishing Self 
http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/sam-harriss-vanishing-self/ The 
well-known New Atheist makes a case for the value of “spirituality,” which he 
bases on his experiences in meditation.

 View on opinionator.blogs.ny... 
 Preview by Yahoo

 Sam Harris's Vanishing Self 
http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/sam-harriss-vanishing-self/ The 
well-known New Atheist makes a case for the value of “spirituality,” which he 
bases on his experiences in meditation.

 View on opinionator.blogs.nyti... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

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