
 Whether you like it or not, the US is at war with another group.  ISIS must be 
taken out of Iraq first before any of the other parts in the plan can be 

 For the time being, the Assad government should be a US friend while ISIS is 
still alive and well in Iraq and Syria.  Once ISIS is eliminated, the 
relationship would dramatically change.

 But, at the same time, Obama has the option to take out the ISIS leaders in 
Syria if the opportunity presents itself.  One big bomb could wipe out their 
leaders if they are housed in one building.

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 That scenario you're imagining is a bit extreme.  The jihadists' agenda in 
Syria is very much in flux.  They could change at any moment.  It is very 
likely that ISIS will disappear and simply blend in with the rest of the so 
called friendly rebels.

 In that case, they would be unified in fighting the Assad government.  And 
they could possibly win, especially if the US supplied the weapons that are 
intended to defeat ISIS.

 IMO, the existence of ISIS is now severely threatened since all of the Arab 
nations and the rest of the world are heavily against it.  It would be best for 
them to conveniently disappear and fight another day after Assad is toppled.

 If not, Obama will hunt its leaders with drones and special forces commandos 
similar to what he did with Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

The situation is complicated. Apparently there is not a single country on the 
planet willing to send in military boots on the ground to fight ISIS in Iraq, 
except the Kurds. What we need to remember is that we are dealing with Islamic 
fundamentalists of one strip or another - all one family, according to Sam 

There will probably NOT be any military action taken by NATO or anyone else 
against the ISIS, even after the ISIS strikes their own country. We are 
familiar with this based on previous engagements where the U.S. pays in money, 
blood, sweat and tears for almost the entire defense budget of Europe and the 
Far East.

There may come a time, and probably sooner than later, when the U.S. will not 
be willing to fight everyone's battle for them anymore.

---In, <emptybill@...> wrote :

 "This pact complicates the scenario in fighting ISIS. Its probably not a good 
idea to arm the so-called friendly rebels at this time."

Doesn't matter. 

Islamic State will attempt to convene an "Islamic Caliphate" to establish 
regional lordship over Muslim countries. They will then come back home to 
further "educate" us into real Islam - like they are doing now - by following 
their genocidal prophet.  

American Muslim jihadi-s are going through Turkey to get through to the 
Syria/Iraq border. That means no passport stamps are necessary, so they just 
appear to us as East-European travelers. 

Wait until the jihadi shooters unload their hollow-points into the crowds at a 
football game, music concert or else go blow-up a big metro hotel. Mothers 
Against Murdering Muslims will demand a police state and people will happy to 
comply - just to feel safer. 

 We will be one step closer to The Other Final Solution - Nuking Mecca.

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