Yes, it's costing students a lot of money to get college degrees if they choose 
to attend the so-called first tier universities, without grants or 
scholarships.  It's probably cheaper to attend the state universities here in 
California or their equivalence in the other states. 

 Also, I believe many computer companies, like Microsoft, hire many foreigners 
from India and elsewhere to fill their engineering staff.  This trend will 
probably continue until there are enough American graduates who are qualified 
and willing to take the jobs available.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 The Russian graduates may not have had to pay for their education and the US 
ones are in the hole from college loans.  The Russian ones will except less 
money and from my experience of working with Russian employees they are more 
specialized and can do some neat stuff.  One of my employees told me they just 
sort out what you're going to be good at as a kid (and probably what you will 
enjoy doing) and  then when you graduate put you in an office to see if you 
produce anything useful.  But that was back in the Cold War era and probably 
not quite the same as the oligarch run Russia of today.
 My trouble with my Russian charges was getting them to understand deadlines. 
Same with ex-DOD programmers.
 On 09/14/2014 11:44 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   Would you believe Russia is in the top spot?  If true and their graduates 
can't find jobs in their own country, they would probably emigrate to the US.
 The US is a distant 5th place.  To compete in the world market, the US must 
increase the number of college graduates in the near future.  Otherwise, the 
government, more likely, will find eligible workers from more educated 
immigrants who can immediately fill the need of industries.


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