"Elders in transition".. Also some older TM elders who had moved away recently 
“to be with children” elsewhere out in the world have moved back to the 
community here in Fairfield. The Domes and the larger meditating spiritual 
community that is Fairfield, Iowa are hard to just replace elsewhere out in the 
world. Certainly the context of the larger spiritual community that is the 
meditating community is manifest and real here in meditating Fairfield after 40 
years of making community here. Is hard to replace that just anywhere..
 -Buck in the Dome


 Ebb and flow of elders in transition.. I can think of five people in recent 
weeks, older now, old time long time Fairfield meditators who just recently 
moved away from Fairfield to "live closer" to their kids and grandchildren 
somewhere else. A sad departure of old friends and campaigners.
 This is happening demographically everywhere but it is especially painful to 
witness when they are your friends and our old meditators going off to a 
dependent life somewhere else.

 “The county isn't simply a stereotype of Florida, where in just 15 years, one 
in four residents will be 65 or older. It's a peek into the not-too-distant 
future of the nation, where the number will be one in five....” 

 -Buck Resolutely in the Dome


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