Tragicomedy in one scene: One Hyperbole Over the Line

"Rhoda darling did I tell about eating my cereal this morning."
"You told me yesterday David, and the day before and the day before."
"No but today it was even more amazing! At first the milk and organic blueberry 
pomegranate enhanced,seasonal dosha balanced ayurvedic Maharishi granola burst 
onto my tongue like a thousand swans taking off from a lake of bliss, and 
Gunshot is heard off camera
"Rhoda? Rhoda...well as I was saying, and infinite number of..."

And scene.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :


Run Forrest, Run!

 (Laughing) This whole thing reminds me of a bowl of sugar smacks. Far too 
sweet to be good for you and leaves you feeling quite unwell afterwards but 
while eating it you have to sort of laugh because you know it is really a 
cereal meant for children and here you are indulging in a bowl of the stuff.

 But seriously, was that a parody by David? Do people still speak like that in 
the Movement?

---In, <dickmays@...> wrote :

 Forwarded from: David Orme-Johnson <davidoj@... mailto:davidoj@...>
Date: Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:36 PM
Subject: My experiences of higher states of consciousness

Dear Colleagues,
Here is my second “research” report on my experiences on the Invincible America 
Assembly, where Rhoda and I have spent the summer in pursuit of enlightenment.
For those not familiar with these terms:

 ·       A “sidha” is one who practices Maharishi’s TM Sidhi program, which 
comprises a set of techniques from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Sidhi means 
“perfection” and its purpose is to integrate different sensory, cognitive, and 
other abilities with pure consciousness;
 ·       “Brahman” literally means “Big” or “Totality” in Sanskrit, and is 
another name for pure consciousness. It is held to be the transcendental basis 
of the universe and is called by different names in various cultures, as pure 
existence (Sat), pure consciousness (Chit), and Bliss (Ananda) in the 
Upanishads, as Being in various sectors of Greek philosophy, as the Tao in 
Taoism, as the unified field of natural law, etc.



 Wide Angle Lens
David Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.
Sight. When I look at things these days I am very much aware of the totality of 
the scene as well as the main area of focus. I see the trees, the leaves, the 
flowers or whatever I am looking at in clear focus, but everything else in my 
field of vision is also very present. Focusing on one thing, the figure, no 
longer tunes out everything else, the ground. The figure and ground are both 
experienced in terms of an all pervading blissfulness that resonates with my 
inner being, which is so beautiful as to melt my heart and stop me in my 
tracks.  I have to be careful that I am not seen as wandering around looking at 
everything saying “WOW, look at that” with tears streaming down my eyes.
Taste. Another delicious example happened the other evening when I spread a 
cracker with almond butter and raspberry jam, and then put a grape on top and 
took a bite. At first my awareness was flooded with a medley of different 
flavors and textures being churned about, but very quickly the non-changing 
continuum of Bliss came into awareness, permeating all the various sensations 
but unmoved by all their activities.  As the process of chewing refined the 
mixture more and more and all the different ingredients were no longer 
distinguishable from each other, they as if transcended to become so intensely 
blissful that I could not refrain from swallowing. Are we eating Brahman? I 
replicated this experiment several times with different 
ingredients--strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and honey along with the 
crackers and almond butter--and always got the same result, so it is 
independent of any particular flavors, although sweetness potentiates it and 
honey does it best. Of course, further research is warranted.
Sound. I also like to close my eyes during musical performances to shut out 
distracting visual input and to allow my mind to settle down to hear the music 
from the transcendent. From there I perceive the music as manifesting out of a 
silent ocean of consciousness, weaving intricate tonal patterns and harmonies. 
When I have the intention that this be the musicians’ best performance ever, I 
perceive that they all begin to play together with even more precision and 
perfect coordination as a single unit of Being rather than as individuals. 
Three of my musician friends have independently told me that that is exactly 
what they experiences when playing for TM and sidha audiences.
The other evening, we were at a concert of a very young band and they asked 
that people move up into the first row because it gave them energy. So we did 
and as I was listening to them from the transcendent experiencing their lively 
guitar, violin, base and singing as a continuum of scintillating Being, I had 
the thought of wrapping a sheet of Being around them, they were so cute, being 
some of the meditator children. I experienced them as an incredible wholeness 
of contrasting instruments, vocals, counterpoints, improvs, hooks  and riffs. 
They commented what a great audience we were and how much they loved playing 
here in Fairfield. The audience was full of sidhas, and when they had us clap 
along or sing along, it was uncanny. One Being, not a room full of people, 
clapped and sang in perfect unison, uninhibited, full of enthusiasm and love.
Wide angle lens as Brahman. Listening to an outdoor concert, with eyes closed, 
settling into the silence as usual, I noticed a progression from focusing on 
individual instruments or focussing on just the melody line, to expanding the 
focus to encompass all instruments, the melody, and harmonies, everything about 
the music at once. But then I noticed that I was attempting to tune out the 
talking of people around me, the night sounds, and other sensations such as the 
breeze, various smells and so on. So I opened up my focus to include 
everything, and like the crest of a wave settling back onto the ocean, there It 
was, Brahman, my breath almost stopped, the atmosphere filled with honey Bliss, 
awareness open to all sensations at once stirring the Bliss in That wholeness, 
one unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion. Like Maharishi’s  analogy of 
sitting in the bath tub of warm water and stirring it about  to feel the 
warmth. I saw that TM and Maharishi’s different technologies have all been 
preparing us for this by training the mind to innocently settle back onto 
itself. It is so simple, so huge, so profound, and so much needed in the world.
I am so grateful to everyone on the Invincible America Assembly whose dedicated 
participation has created this sublime atmosphere where we can collectively 
develop our experiences of higher states of consciousness; to Howard and Mickey 
Settle for making the IAA a reality with their financial support; and to Prime 
Minister and Dr. Birx for their insightful commentaries and stirring of 
Maharishi’s knowledge. As Maharishi says, knowledge deepens experience. A man 
may have a diamond and not appreciate what he has until he is educated about 
what diamonds are. Thank you Maharishi, thank you Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev 

David W. Orme-Johnson, PhD
From October to April
191 Dalton Dr., Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459
From May to September
1100 University Manor Dr., # 15B, Fairfield, Iowa, 52556

(850) 231-2866 (Home)
(850) 830-5847 (Mobile)
Skype: davidoj108
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