For those interested, the link is:
My fav is "The End of Your World", a book recommendation that I got at Batgap 
(returned the favor by using Batgap's commission link to Amazon).
---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 I have reproduced some paragraphs below that describe the relationship of a 
student to the teacher and a spiritual teaching from one of the books of 
Zen-trained Adyashanti. This seems somewhat different than what is expected in 
the TMO.

 'There is no such thing as riding the coattails of an enlightened being to 
enlightenment itself. A failure to understand this can lead (as so many have 
been led) to cultish fanaticism, fundamentalism, magical thinking, 
disappointment, disillusionment, and/or spiritual infancy. While it is 
understandable that many people project their unresolved parental issues, 
relationship issues, authority issues, sexuality issues, as well as God issues 
onto their spiritual teacher (and are sometimes encouraged to do so by 
unscrupulous spiritual teachers), it is essential to understand that a 
spiritual teacher's role is to be a good and wise spiritual guide as well as an 
embodiment of the truth that he or she points toward.' 

 'While there may be deep respect, love, and even devotion to one's spiritual 
teacher, it is important not to abdicate all of your authority over to your 
spiritual teacher or project all divinity exclusively onto them. Your life 
belongs in your hands, not someone else's. Take responsibility for it. There is 
a fine line between being truly open to the guidance of a spiritual teacher and 
regressing into a childish relationship where you abdicate your adulthood and 
project all wisdom and divinity onto the teacher. Each person needs to find a 
mature balance, being truly and deeply open to their spiritual guide without 
abdicating all of their authority.'

 'The same can be applied to a spiritual teaching. A spiritual teaching is a 
finger pointing toward reality; it is not reality itself. To be in a true and 
mature relationship with a spiritual teaching requires you to apply it, not 
simply believe in it. Belief leads to various forms of fundamentalism and shuts 
down the curiosity and inquiry that are essential to open the way for awakening 
and what lies beyond awakening. A good spiritual teaching is something that you 
work with and apply. In doing so, it works on you (often in a hidden way) and 
helps reveal to you the truth (and falseness) that lies within you.' 

 'What is it to not abdicate your own authority and yet not claim a false or 
self-centred authority that will lead you into delusion? I am afraid that I 
cannot tell you. You see, no one can tell you how not to deceive yourself. If 
in the deepest place within you, you want and desire truth above all else, even 
though you go astray in a thousand different ways, you will find yourself 
somehow, again and again, being brought back to what is true. And if you do not 
want and desire truth above all else, well, you already know what that leads 

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 7:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony's Pedigree
   Isn't it fascinating the crap that people believe because the person they 
consider their spiritual teacher said it? Or even if they've only heard 
fifth-hand that he *might* have said it? 


 I'm back to that moment I mentioned before jokingly -- being able someday to 
figure out the neurophysiology of That Moment in which the human brain says to 
itself, "Well, the stuff this teacher has said to me so far seems to be true, 
therefore I am going to 'suspend disbelief' forever and believe that 
*everything* he ever says to me again is true as well." 


 THAT would be an interesting phenomenon to quantify. W.r.t. to telling someone 
stuff about their "past lives," there is an Absolute Requirement that the 
person 'suspend disbelief' and believe that the teacher *could* possibly know 
something about this thing he rationally couldn't possibly know anything about. 
Besides, when it comes to 'past lives,' everyone *wants to believe* that what 
they're being told is true, as long as the past personage is cool enough. ( 
That's why you've got so many Newagers who claim to be Cleopatra and so few 
claiming to be Cleopatra's manicurist. :-)


 I remember one time when the Fred Lenz - Rama guy did that to me, and I called 
him on it. We were on one of our "field trips," this time I think i the Louvre 
in Paris -- no guided tours or anything, just 100 or so Rama students wandering 
around the galleries, sometimes running into him, sometimes not. So I found 
myself in this Egyptian room looking down at a glass exhibit that contained a 
sarcophagus and a well-preserved body. I was quite taken with the bones of this 
guy's face, and was standing there looking at it when Rama walked up behind me, 
looked down, and said, "Yep, that was you, all right." 


 Naturally, I was all ego-d out for a second, but then for some reason I caught 
myself and turned to him and said, "Your're just fucking with me, right?" He 
seemed shocked for an instant that anyone would actually doubt his Holy Word, 
but then laughed and said, "Right," and turned to walk away. But then he turned 
back and said, "You're really the guy over there in that other case across the 
room," and laughed again. 


 Great moment. *Of course* there was no rational way he could have known who I 
was in a 'past life.' But that didn't matter to me because for that one instant 
I *wanted* to be more self-important, and to have been some Pharoah back in 
Egypt. I mention it because whether Maharishi ever said this about "King" Tony 
or not, the same dynamics could have been in play. Who wouldn't want to be told 
that you're the reincarnation of a god?


 People will believe anything that makes them feel more important. If they've 
gotten to the point in their self discovery where they gain most of their 
personal sense of self-worth from the teacher they study with, they'll also 
believe anything that seems to make that teacher seem more important. 

 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 8:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony's Pedigree
   --In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
 Someone recently told me that Marshy referred to Nader as Ram reincarnated, is 
that true? 


 It's true that Marshy spoke astounding amounts of crap that, even if any of it 
was possible, he couldn't possibly have known about.

 But I never heard him actually say this one. Maybe I just nodded off during 
the "weight in gold" moment or the 96 hour introduction to his book of 
"discoveries" about human physiology.



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