Oh, OK Thanks. In that case he pretty much already knows what he said. Clean 
writing style, too. ;-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Uh, Fleetwood, I'm pretty sure you're responding to a new post from js...

 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 3:33 PM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

   Welcome Back! and I mean it. Jedi made a comment about your religious book. 
It was an insulting and vulgar thing to say, though it hardly warranted your 
response, in my opinion. Thanks for cleaning up your writing style, I 
appreciate it.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Thanks feste and willytex. Rick reinstated me.

A distinction should be made between a religion and it's 
community. Criticising a religion is impersonal. Criticising
a community is personal. I joined FFL more that 10 years 
ago. I did learn a lot from this forum. 

It seems Barry and Jim are unhappy with my postings. Should 
I continue to interact with you folks?


--- <feste37@...> wrote :

 I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were unjustly 
removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

--- <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

 --- <punditster@...> wrote:

 The Jedi already had received a warning from Rick, but before Jedi could post 
a response, Rick banned him. The moderator should at least give the guy a 
chance to post a rebuttal if he is being falsely accused. 
 Somehow Rick convicted Jedi as guilty of posting anti-Semitism when the Jedi 
was just posting an opinion of the Torah. Go figure.

The key word in the first sentence of Dan's message to Rick is "rampant" 
anti-Semtism. Rick already agreed that the message in this case was 
anti-Semitic. So, now the question is to what extent is FFL rampantly 
anti-Semitic, or is this just an isolated case?

 So, why would that be cause to ban the jedi_spock? Rick already posted a 
warning to the jedi_spock. It looks like the jedi_spock was punished twice. Go 
Rick failed as a fair and balanced moderator. And since Rick deleted the 
offending file it now looks like a coverup. It's like a secret trial and 
execution without a trial by a dictator who got everything wrong from the 



 ---  feste37 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
 Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 



 --- <punditster@...> wrote:
 It looks like the forum has lost it's moral compass and without Judy to 
moderate, the group has fallen further into disrepute. To make matters worse, 
now the apparent victim has been banned too. Obviously there's some prejudice 
when a religious belief can't even be discussed.
 This all could have been settled with just a few words in a private email or 
 It looks like attention has been called to the rampant anti-Semitism and 
libelous accusations posted to the FFL forum - and now the cover-up with the 
deletion of the offending message. While the informants get to continue posting 
their negative propaganda and gender bias. 
That's one solution - stone the victim complaining; remove the offending 
message; and then ban the informant so he can't post a rebuttal. Go figure.


The semitic race includes Arabs, so if we blast Saudi Arabia are we being 
anti-semitics?  And someone said to bash Zionism is being anti-Jewish.  That's 
like saying all Christians are Republicans.  Zionists are a right wing 
political faction.
 As far as Dan goes I had him in my Dangeon anyway for being an abusive poster 
and only replied to comments he started indirectly about TV or movies.



 --- <Duveyoung@...> wrote:

 Let's face it, Rick is being practical.  The Jews are very aggressive about 
any antisemitism and could get someone at Yahoo freaked enough to close FFL 
down.   It may not be right to surrender, but it does avoid the danger not yet 

If Yahoo closed FFL, the lost would be significant, but if Rick bans 
antisemitism, the lost to "the world's ability to have free speech" would be 
hardly noticed.  An easy call for Rick, methinks.

Now if the various communities around the world got as aggressively defensive, 
hoo boy, who could then say anything about anything?  Think of all the 
downtrodden folks who could equally claim the world has smacked them as badly 
as were the Jews.

I've never confronted my Jewish friends about this.....might have to do so, cuz 
this shit's gotta stop.

And, hey, for what Israel is doing to Palestine while Jews around the world 
remain mostly silent, I say they've lost their right to bitch about Hitler.   
They should go back to dissing the Pharaoh.  




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