Snoozguru (is that Bhairitu?) said:  You would have been well advised not to 
use "RationalWiki" which skeptics don't even like.  

 SD:  I am not relying on RationalWiki as an authority. However, it provides 
some credible counter arguments to some 9/11 points that you (and others, such 
as O'keefe in related video) have raised. I don't find all the points raised in 
the 9/11 section of RationalWiki particular relevant or well considered.  The 
same points that I drew upon are found from a number of alternative sources. 
RationalWiki simply compiled otherwise existing information is a convenient 
format (for me). 

 I hope you will address (at least some) of the  specific counter points that I 
listed. I hope you will not not blanketly  discredit or disregard the 
counterpoints because you are not a fan of the site that compiled them from 
many other sources. 

 I do not have a rigid stance on many 911 issues and am not trying to win any 
sort of debate. You raised some interesting points. Upon research I 
found,further information that, until refuted or discredited, appears to 
counter some of your your points.  Not the end of the story in my view. 
Successive exchanges of points and rational counterpoints is at least one means 
to get further towards the bottom of things.


 Snoozeguru: Those of us who think there is something more to a case than 
reported don't call ourselves "conspiracy theorists." 

 SD: I don't like the term "conspiracy theorist either as I outline in a prior 
post this morning. I was responding to Turq's (to me useful) articles -- but 
pointing out the pitfalls of terms stemming from "conspiracy".



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