I was researching the Mayflower's voyage, and found out that the English 
Puritans and Separatists, settled in Leiden, Netherlands, before deciding to go 
to America. They made the voyage to America, because they felt that to stay in 
the Netherlands, they would be assimilated out of existence. Oddly, two ships, 
the Mayflower and Speedwell, were to have made the voyage, but the Speedwell 
kept springing leaks, which, it has been surmised, were created by the ship's 
master, as he was fearful of starving to death in America - not too far off, as 
half the Mayflower's passengers and crew stayed aboard the first winter, and 
died of contagious disease. I also found it interesting that the Mayflower was 
heavily armed, to protect against pirates and privateers. Last, they were 
originally headed to the Virginia colony, which had accepted them in advance, 
but couldn't make headway to go south, and remained in Cape Cod harbor.

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