No, Context is often everything with the insinuations of someone selectively 
excerpting. MJ is being a jerk again trying to muck this up out of context in 
to some negativity as a denouncement of Maharishi. 
\ The possibilities are enormous if health ministries of some of these state 
run countries truly understood the science of the Unified Field and 
transcending meditation then world consciousness could be changed for the 
collective good right away. If Cuba for instance on sound scientific reason 
instituted a transcending meditation within its healthcare delivery system the 
United States should be in a significant meditation gap with Cuba's progressing 
in consciousness and health. Think of the possibilities. That is what Maharishi 
was doing thinking out loud about these systems. MJ is just mucking around 
taking things out of context for his own ignorant reasons of evil doing.
Jai Guru Dev,
 mjackson74 wrote : 
 Today, Maharishi University of Management celebrates the dawn of a New World 
Order of Peace, as demonstrated by the invincibility of President Fidel Castro 
of Cuba, the freedom of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, the Divine 
Rulership of President Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia, and the casting off of 
corrupt democracy by President Robert Guei of the Ivory Coast.

In Zimbabwe’s Succession Battle, Mugabe Pulls the Strings
 In Zimbabwe’s Succession Battle, Mugabe Pulls the String...
 President Robert Mugabe is presiding over — and possibly choreographing — an 
increasingly fierce internal scramble for the rewards of high office.

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