On 12/7/2014 4:22 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Christians assert that their jesus-god is the same god as //yhvh. However they prefer to ignore the Book of Joshua and the genocide of Canaanites by yhwh and his henchmen.

/You sound kind of confused. Maybe you don't to realize that the Israelites were the Canaanites - they was no battle at Jericho. So, you're thinking that God gave to the Arabs the land of Canaan, but the Canaanites, the original inhabitants, were ethnically cleansed by the Arabs, and that the Canaanites continue to encroach on the Arab's lands? This doesn't even make any sense.

The Canaanites were, if anyone, the original inhabitants of Canaan, not the Philistines who came much later. But it is a fact that the Arabs came after the Philistines, who were assimilated into the Canaanite society. So, if anyone is the 'ethnic cleanser' it would be the Arabs who claim their God gave them the land of Canaan.

But it seems to me that the Canaanites were the owners of the land in the first place. So, I'm thinking that the 'Palestinians' are either Jordanians or Egyptians - they are not related to the Philistines at all - they should give all the land back to the Canaanites and they should all go back home to Jordan or to Egypt, where they came from and leave the Jews alone./

That very “god” of the Jews, Christian and Muslims is the one who offers the lands and cities of Canaan for targeted appropriation and all of its peoples for annihilation. The inhabitants, along with their lands, livestock and chattels are marked for destruction and for vicious slaughter at the hands of the Jews. All of the men, women, children and babies were either pierced or decapitated by swords. You gotta love this frenzied offering of the blood of babies to their thirsty demon//.

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        • Re... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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