I love Virginia Woolf. (She's far more readable than her modernist rival James 
Joyce. I recall she wasn't that taken with Ulysses. Me neither.)   Even the 
name rocks: "Virginia" - suggesting virginal innocence; and "Woolf" - 
suggesting the untamed, wild canine. Nice combo.
 In July 1902 she sat for a series of photos. Something magical in the 
combination of the ambient light, her contemplative mood, the balance of 
chemicals used in the plate, . . ., made the image one of the most beautiful 
portraits ever captured. Eat your heart out Katherine Mansfield.

 She wrote an essay called "Am I a Snob?" trying to clear herself of the 
charge. But, of course, she was a snob. That's part of her appeal. And to be a 
snob must feature quite low on the list of vices - we probably need some snobs 
to remind us peasants of our place!

 If you enjoyed Orlando you should enjoy the film version starring Tilda 
Swinton. It follows the book quite closely.



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