Dear MJ, that is a complete fallacy of reasoning and evidently you are 
persecuting in method a whole group of people on that opinion. That is what, 
very Southern of you? There is not a lot other to say to you other than that I 
hope you can get some good counsel on your anger issues. I wish you a merry 
Christmas. Best, -Buck in Fairfield, Ia.  
mjackson74 wrote :

 I hate to say so this near to Christmas but you are quite incorrect to label 
me as a revenge seeker.  I actually, as I have stated before got on FFL 
originally in the spirit of inquiry which is why I was asking so many questions 
of those who were willing to talk about their time in the TMO, Marshy's 
escapades and people's opinions of the allegations of sexual activity etc.

 As I firmed up mu own opinion I began to express it, first by expressing 
disbelief over people's willingness to ignore some obvious egregious behavior 
on the part of the TMO and its leaders and asking them how they arrived at 
their conclusions. 


 When their answers all fell into the category of True Believer-isms, I began 
to realize what I was dealing with and began to offer my own opinion based on 
experience, observation and the similar experiences of others, some right here 
on FFL.

 So there is no desire for revenge. I do like the truth to be told and the lies 
to be exposed directly or when some unexpected event like the Fairfield Pundit 
Riot of 2014, or the outing of Stephen Collins, one of the TMO's celebrity 
darlings as a man with pedophile tendencies. 


 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Nope. Son, your vindictive bitter method of revenge seeking here is quite 
evidently in an entirely different league from Rick's inquiry. -Buck    

mjackson74 wrote :

 Well, damn! That's a surprise, that you don't have problems with RA posting 
and gathering info on Marshy's womanizing. I doubt that Rick's interest in 
Marshy's sex life was merely scholarly, but only RA himself can answer that.   
This post of yours does make me wonder what you do consider salacious if 
gathering info about Marshy's lying about being life long celibate doesn't make 
the cut.
 Son you misrepresent Rick here. Rick is an old friend of mine. There was 
nothing salacious about Rick pursuing the sadie papers here. Rick's is pure 
scholarly journalism on that subject. Nothing salacious about Rick. Not like 
some other really infamous posters here and that other guy with the colorful 
rock as a handle here posting anonymously who has been caught any number of 
times dumping and trolling salacious material on to FFL.  
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa on FFL at Yahoo-groups

---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

 Bhairitu writes, why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I 
even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  






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