It was designed by a bunch of college grads:

A college degree or education won't make you a great programmer any more 
than a college degree in music will make you a great musician. I know 
many a college dropout who has done well in life.   I also know people 
with advanced degrees who don't know their field very well at all.  Hey, 
but they have those letters after their name. Yup, a degree doesn't say 
much especially if you graduated with a C- average.

In the computer science field, very few colleges were teaching it right 
until about 2000.  I even sat on a an computer science advisory board 
for one college where the profs, scared of losing their tenure, needed 
help with setting up a curriculum that would get their graduates jobs. 
By the mid 1990s programming in Pascal was not going to cut it.  I hired 
more people who were self taught out of books and magazines than folks 
with a computer science degree. These people were very productive.

I'm not against education by any means but I have for colleges being 
about getting an eduction and not just a piece of paper.

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