Any day now John is going to start the Reformed Church of Adam the Bunny and 
Sheep Fucker. 
You really don't want to miss their version of the communion ceremony.  :-)
     From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, January 2, 2015 1:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Devil's Delusion
    FWIW, a Rabbi Mordechai Kraft said that Adam dated all the animals in the 
Garden before reaching to the conclusion that Eve was the right person for him.

Rabbi Mordechai Kraft - Mystical Secrets In The Garden of Eden 
|    |
|    |        |    |       Rabbi Mordechai Kraft - Mystical Secrets In The 
Ga...  TorahAnyTime Website: Rabbi's On 
TorahAnyTime:    |    |
|      View on         |    Preview by Yahoo    |
|    |


---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I just marvel at the hypocrisy and duplicity of it all. They believe in a fairy 
tale, and for ego reasons they want everyone else to believe in the same fairy 
tale. So they make up a fake "science" to account for the events in the fairy 
tale, and then try to get schools to teach it to kids too young to know the 

They're essentially playing the "long game" in exactly the same way that the 
David Lynch Foundation is. Both sets of True Believers think that if they 
indoctrinate kids to believe their crap when they're young, they will still 
believe it when they're older. 

And they may be right. Look, after all, at what happened to them.

  From: salyavin808 <>

I watched as far as the bit where he's introduced as being part of the 
"intelligent design" faith's founding members.
But it's for sure a challenging title, the idea that the devil is behind the 
idea that god doesn't exist is a curious one that any philosopher ought to be 
able to make short work of. Except this guy obviously...
The thing about ID is that, like any other religion, they didn't tackle their 
critics head on and refute the rather obvious shortcoming of their idea that 
life was created - or guided by - by some sort of supernatural being. Instead 
they just plod on with the same old god-of-the-gaps jibberish thinly disguised 
as cutting edge thinking. How many times do we have to point out that evolution 
isn't random but occurs among populations or that there really are no 
irreducible structures in nature?
But funniest of all, they had a planning meeting and someone left a copy of the 
agenda in a copier in a public library and it got published. They tried to deny 
it, but the inescapable truth is that the ID crowd are a bunch of creationist 
true believers who try to use the language of science to get their beliefs 
taught in schools. That is their plan and they do quite well because they can 
afford to send out info packs and DVD's that underfunded public schools love 
because it sounds technically convincing and they can save a bit of money.
In the illogical spirit of the title, I hope there is a god and he damns them 
to hell for corrupting young minds.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

This is a lecture about atheism and its scientific pretensions.  Dr. Berlinsky 
presents an interesting lecture about the current state of scientific progress. 
 He also does not believe in Darwin's Theory.;spfreload=1

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