Yes, I am astonished that anyone is bent out of shape by it. Barry is once 
again turning himself into a pretzel. His roomies, the mom and dad, should read 
his initial insult, and be the judge of what he meant. It is easy for you to 
say he meant this or that. I am simply going on what he SAID, not what he may 
or may not have meant.

---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 I think you are making too much of this. The comment was purely hypothetical, 
and the language was so strongly colorful to an offensive extreme in order to 
make a point about the degree to which true believers are willingly blind. I'm 
astounded at how bent out of shape people are getting in reaction to it, but 
the result is that two groups of people who are much better off not interacting 
with each other have, for the most part, gone their separate ways.

---In, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 Barry has been around FFL for many years. He has also freely insulted 
Maharishi for many years. However, this was always done in terms of Maharishi's 
supposed dalliances with adult women. Barry had a field day with it, living by 
himself in France and Spain.

 However, a couple of years ago, Barry informed us all that he would be moving 
into a mixed household, including a two year old girl. Keep in mind that the 
other adults are sexually involved with each other, and also run a business. 
This leaves "Uncle Barry" ample time for baby sitting. 

 My concern is the "coincidence" of Barry now living with a small child, a girl 
of three, and suddenly, inexplicably revising his insults of Maharishi, to now 
include a reference to sex with children; "Maharishi butt-fucking babies".

 Am I making too much of this? I don't think so. The other thing of great 
concern, is Barry's reaction to this. Far from being chagrined at this 
monstrous expression, he has gone on the offensive, pretending to turn in 
anyone who takes offense, to the police and Interpol. A bit of overreaction, 
don't you think? As if he has a lot to hide, and protect. Reminded me of Bill 
Cosby, hiring an army of investigators to dig up dirt and discredit his 
accusers, those he drugged and raped.

 I don't make a secret of my dislike of Barry. But I think there may be a more 
serious issue here, and from the way Barry is acting, it is getting worse, not 


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