From: aryavazhi <>
10 reasons why FFL is better, and the_peak sucks
   - The peak is moderated - somewhat arbitrary, while FFL knows no censorship. 
   - FFL allows you to hide your email address, so that you can stay really 
anonymous. Not possible in the peak. 
   - FFL exists much longer and has more members. Although only a few are 
active, it has many lurkers, and a great variety of posters showing up at 
different times. 
   - FFL is mirrored in the This makes sure also deleted 
posts are still available. Also easier to read on mobile devices. 
   - FFL is less restricted to the particular TMO mindset. It is more 
   - FFL spurns more creativity. It allows for diverse forms of satire, lost on 
some obviously. 
   - There is no oneupmanship on FFL. All those who have tried this in the past 
terribly failed. 
   - FFL archives are an inexhaustible treasure. Sometimes new topic names 
match those from long time ago, making them resurface in a new context. 
   - The moderators of FFL, Rick and Alex are great guys. 
   - There are less TBB's on FFL.

11. We make lists. 


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