Doncha think it's fascinating that Doug/Buck has so little faith in what 
Maharishi taught that he thinks a few people speaking their minds on an obscure 
Internet forum can "torpedo the ship" of the TM organization and bring it down?
I mean, this IS the same group that claims to believe that TM and the TMSP 
produces "Invincibility," right? They've tried to sell this Invincibility stuff 
to the *military* of some of the nations they've tried to hit up to fund their 
cult. And yet he seems to feel that this "Liberty ship" is so fragile that it 
can be brought down by a few people telling the truth as they see it. Very 
curious that having stalked off in a snit from FFL *only a few short days ago* 
now he's back -- putting down the people who created the forum and demanding 
yet again to be put in charge of it himself.

What might be entertaining to some here is that recently he tried to do 
*exactly the same thing* over on The_Leak. He took advantage of some minor 
technical glitch that Bimbo was having trouble resolving with to request that 
Bimbo give Buck/Doug all of his "administrator passwords," so that he 
(Buck/Doug) could "take care of things for him." 

Naturally, everybody laughed at him. 

Now he's back over here, demanding the same thing. Old record, stuck in the 
same groove he was before he stormed off. What a dildo, to not realize that 
everyone on BOTH forums figured out what a Spiritual Nazi he was long ago, and 
wouldn't trust him to *spell* "Liberty," much less maintain it. 

As usual, what he's asking for -- on BOTH forums -- is to *curtail* Liberty and 
put him in charge of things as dictator. SO not gonna happen...
     From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 1:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    No, what Turq is offering is hisperiscope view of a passenger ship going 
down after his wolf-packtorpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name 
of the oldLiberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worthfighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderatordoes not 
respect it...-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.
FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain about 
the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, still 
pouring the same old whine. 

Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he canrearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone elsewants them. 
Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug & the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 

And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 

  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship ofZion.Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in 
roughwaters.But I don't feel the pirates has brokeher back. She just needs a 
re-fitand a better crewto tend her.-Buck   

Om. Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across theRiver Jordan to 
Canaan ,I do hope for a better time for FFL.The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,
-Buck in the Dome
jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will youjust let it go already?

Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife atYahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL goover to the internet neganauts who have seized it. Rick, 
it is verynearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionallynow with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for 
acounter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push theadministrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section ofthe group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year.Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their livesthemselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guyshave gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greatersafety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
They've all gone over to 

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group like:The Wreck of the 
Edmund Fitzgerald

Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all ourgone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocativehatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.Jai Guru You, -Buck in 
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, As an old friend I reallyfeel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to theculture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtakenthe FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups. 
Yep, asubstantial disciplined period of silence should be good for thewhole 
group. A little time-out quiet time.Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

"Andso from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the things 
ofGod of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the heart, 
didnaturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
togetherupon God.  As every one is thus gathered,and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in theirpersons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spiritare felt to arise."                                   
 -BarclayApology 1678
_stanley@... wrote :

Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good luck 
getting him to address this here. 
Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as are-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,    -Buck

There is in fact a lot going on inFairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things getshared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back orelse have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

Bhairitu writes, Why don't you sharewhat's been going on in Fairfield?  I even 
find your views andnews on farming interesting.
Nope, posting to this forum of Rick'sany of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and themeditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before theswine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - Buck 
inFairfield, Iowa  

Aryavazhi writes:

Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.

Yes, butSon, We Shall Overcomeand walk hand in hand..I do feel. -Buck

You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

Dear Rick,Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find thatRe-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middleway of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is verydescriptive of how it has gone down 
on the old list here.You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under 
attack, then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
Ishould feel categorically that we should not negotiate withterrorists. It's a 
bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank'em.   -Buck in 

emptybillwrites :Buck- yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence onFFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That newtitle would better represent 
the forum as it has devolved in to thehands of mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. 
Let us start anew in aperiod of silence. Let us have no thing here until at the 
least, 12January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;
Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
thehome page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quitetransparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..but have a different idea: In 
response to the recent exodus fromFFL, rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a longperiod of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden timesof FFL.With Fond Regards,-Buck in Fairfield, 

The seasonal long night is upon us now!  Would be a great time to start a 
renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at23:03 UTC.  

---In, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar & 
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holidayin a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenationand help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what wasonce a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.
 It would be a finetime to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFLtake a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet 
timemeditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm stepin 
communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken 
over by the unkindness it has become.    Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

Rick it is not being unreasonableasking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from themalignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you shouldjust suspend the posting function to FFL for 
a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silenceon FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to and 
then coming out of asilence then anew in the making of something kinder like a 
renewing ofthe communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFLsilence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence incoming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto thattraditional day of January 12th.    
You know, that timewithin the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality,vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
thencoming out of silence.-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck 
inthe Dome

Dear Rick, towards administrativelyenforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting of 
unkindness on FFL, it isan excellent time right now given the course of events 
to plan andstart such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
ofFairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness thatgets posted 
here and letting those people so inclined to re-patterntheir lives otherwise in 
reformative silence for a period of time.   

Rick there is a chance present here, afine opportunity now to take back FFL and 
recapture its franchise,the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has swept 
over theforum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again,a free 
and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place forkind thoughtfulness. 
It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone overFFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go 
silent for a time. Give it a fallowrest.  -Buck

A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zoneover FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moralleadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now astimely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife 
atYahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Sincerely, -Buck, thePatriarch of 
Peace on FairfieldLife  

Dear Rick;21 December coming is the first day ofWinter. Let it be the first day 
of Peace on FairfieldLife atYahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should 
be a good day tobegin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a 
negotiatingplanned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling aperiod like a seasonal silenceover FFL as 
a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moralleadership towards reforming 
the general unkindness that spreadacross FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, it 
would be very good toextend such a suspended silence upon FFL even unto first 
day ofSpring [March 20th 2015] whence fairerflowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformativedepth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as areflective moral silence of a long and silent communal FFL 
winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

 Rick, it would be very good to extendsuch a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling anadministrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a meansof disengagement would be important moral leadership in 
changing the manifest wreckage of unkindtone that this battlefield of FFL has 
become. It is time to clearthe FFL field spiritually.I would support you in 
this,  -Buck,the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April5, 2015] symbolic to the 
resurrection of something anew and a newhope in the community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,  Howabout we take, at the least, the rest of the month of 
Decemberand suspend allposting at all to FFL? Startthen with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st.Take some time off to 

Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any ofthe posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines ifyou don't have time to read 
the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playingyou now to see how far they can take it.
Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see Ireally don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to themethodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
ourFairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck
Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been waytoo important to communal Fairfield life 
in the past to just let itgo to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity as 
some mean and nownarrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.
The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community:

404986Re: FW: A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others 

Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be keptopen to scholarship whilst the 
posting function for everyone could besuspended?  Like, being able to look at 
at these whilst posting issuspended? ..
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