Self-selected samples prove nothing. 

 Only suitably designed studies can resolve that issue with any certainty, but 
even so, the only country we know about where the head of state did TM and was 
in a position to seek retribution, didn't, but instead showed higher wisdom 
than average, resulting in a relative golden age of growth and peace for this 



---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Meditation and Moral Behaviour

TM claims this, but it definitely does not appear to be true: look what it did 
to the people on FFL and even those that left to go to The Peak. My thoughts on 
this are the universe has no moral characteristics at all, and meditation TM or 
otherwise cannot provide such. Moral considerations are a mental overlay, a 
verbal program inserted into the mind, probably based on certain evolutionary 
considerations, such as cooperation, that allowed our species to flourish, and 
that survival of the family, the tribe, the city, the province or state, the 
nation, and the planet are prioritised in that order as mostly hard wiring in 
the brain. 

 Genocide is a way of life for humans back even hundreds of thousands of years, 
if archaeology is any evidence. It is still going on today among people who 
meditate and those who do not. Most TM meditators are not in a situation where 
genocide would be a potential issue, except perhaps India, where Muslims and 
Hindus engage in fighting. Buddhists are not exceptions to the rule, and even 
TMer's have committed murder.

 I have never considered the TMO as a moral entity, rather the opposite. 
Contrasting violent behaviour with people who talk about meditation and peace 
is not the way to study the problem. In the absence of any verbal and cultural 
input concerning moral behaviour, would meditation make a group of humans less 
likely to commit genocide or otherwise disengage from violent crime?

 When we learn TM we also get a barrel full of verbiage concerning peaceful 
behaviour &c., and there are a lot of peacemaking peer related mood-making cues 
in the movement to adjust in that direction. But what would happen if you got 
Boko Harum to meditate, would they cease their relentless killing, if in 
teaching them, they got no verbiage or cues about moral behaviour? Or would 
they just overjoyed that in 'becoming more effective' they could kill more each 
day, and perhaps get a few extra sex slaves in the bargain, and not be so tired 
at the end of the day after all that invigourating activity?

---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 Typical mindfulness/concentrative practices are not claimed to make you moral 
or ethical. 

 I always contrast such things with:

 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says
 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says Former Marxist 
guerrilla turned president spreads the word of the Beatles' guru to his 
ministers and the military.

 View on www.theguar...
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 Can Meditation Change the World?
 Can Meditation Change the World?
 What would happen if every member of a country's government and army started 
to meditate? The amazing story of Mozambique's 'meditating president.'

 View on www.psychol...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, <> wrote : 

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